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Biotium CF532 TCO 全国代理

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AOA体育·(中国)-官方网站品牌 专业代理
Biotium CF532 TCO 全国代理

  • 产品型号:加长型吸头
  • 厂商性质:生产厂家
  • 更新时间:2018-09-20
  • 访  问  量:349


规格BiotiumCF532 TCO供货周期现货

Biotium CF532 TCO 全国代理

Biotium CF532 TCO 全国代理

AOA体育·(中国)-官方网站,是一家集研发、销售为一体的生物企业,公司专注于生命科学和生物技术领域,专业提供分子生物学、免疫学、生命科学基础研究以及临床检测等诸多领域的试剂、耗材、仪器等各类产品及生物技术服务。公司目前已授权代理 LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova等欧美一线品牌,另与阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI等化学试剂生产



  我们长期与Thermo Bio-rad Axygen qiagen Corning BD Promega Biotium BV targetmol merckmillipore Sigma AAT-Biolite biorbyt ENZO GE Greiner Immonoway Jackson leagene nunc Omega OmnimAbs PMG RD ZOMANBIO 聚仕隆serum 普罗麦格 AOA体育 Eaivelly阿拉丁,麦克林,TCI LKT Laboratories,Epigentek,Biovision,Abnova Oxoid等知名各大品牌保持合作。

张德重 Q821536999
Biotium 00002 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf405s 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00002-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf405s 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00003 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf680r 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00003-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf680r 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00004 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf640r 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00004-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf640r 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00005 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf488a 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00005-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin cf488a 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00006 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf568 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00006-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf568 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00007 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf594 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00007-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin cf594 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00009 Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf633 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00009-100ug Alpha-bungarotoxin, cf633 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00010-1 Alpha-bungarotoxin 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2100 Biotium 00011 Fluorescein-Alpha-bungarotoxin 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 00012 tetramethylrhodamine-Alpha-bungarotoxin 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4200 Biotium 00013 Fluorescein-alpha-bungarotoxin: (10x50ug) 10ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4620 Biotium 00014 Tetramethylrhodamine-alpha-bungarotoxin: (10x50ug) 10ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 00015 Sulforhodamine 101-a-bungarotoxin (Texas Red--a-bungarotoxin): (500ug) 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 00016 Sulforhodamine 101-a-bungarotoxin (Texas Red--a-bungarotoxin): (10x50ug) 10ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5950 Biotium 00017 biotin-xx-a-bungarotoxin 500µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4830 Biotium 00018 alpha-Bungarotoxin, CF555 conjugate 500uG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00018-100ug alpha-Bungarotoxin, CF555 conjugate 100ug15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 00019 beta-Bungarotoxin (from Bungarus Multicinctus) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 00020 Biotin-cAMP, diisopropylethylammonium salt: 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3332 Biotium 00020-1 Biotin-cAMP, diisopropylethylammonium salt: (20x50ug) 20ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4634 Biotium 00021 Biotin-cGMP, diisopropylethylammonium salt: 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3710 Biotium 00021-1 Biotin-cGMP, diisopropylethylammonium salt: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5012 Biotium 00022 Cyanine 644-cAMP: 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5558 Biotium 00022-1 Cyanine 644-cAMP: (20x50ug) 20ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 7238 Biotium 00023 Fluorescein Methotrexate, triammonium salt: 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2912 Biotium 00025 Staurosporine 100µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1134 Biotium 00026 Alpha-bungarotoxin, CF543 500uG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 00027 rhodamine phalloidin 300u 300 15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3724 Biotium 00028 biotin-xx-phalloidin 100U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4452 Biotium 00030 fluorescein-phalloidin 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3724 Biotium 00032 rhodamine 110 phalloidin 300ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3724 Biotium 00033 Sulforhodamine 101 (Texas-Red) Phalloidin 300EU15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3724 Biotium 00034 phalloidin, CF405M 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 30020-T ATP-Glo Bioluminometric Cell Viability Assay Kit (50 assays) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C448 Biotium 00036 CF488A-cAMP 100ug15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 00037 CF640R-cAMP 100ug15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 00040 phalloidin, CF555 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 30028-T Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (trial size)(4 mL) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C560 Biotium 00041 phalloidin, CF647 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70052-T停产 MitoView Blue, Trial Size 50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00042 phalloidin, CF488A 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70054-T MitoView Green, Trial Size 50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00043 phalloidin, CF543 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70055-T MitoView 633, Trial Size 50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00044 phalloidin, CF568 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70058-T LysoView 633, trial size 1vial15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00045 phalloidin, CF594 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70060-T Light-On LysoView 555: (10uL) 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00046 phalloidin, CF633 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70061-T LysoView 540, 1000X in DMSO 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00047 phalloidin, CF660R 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70066-T LysoView™ 405, 1000X in DMSO, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00048 phalloidin, CF680R 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 70067-T LysoView™ 488, 1000X in DMSO, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00049 phalloidin, CF350 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 70070-T MitoView™ 405 50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 560 Biotium 00050 phalloidin, CF640R 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 31008-T AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution, trial size 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 588 Biotium 00051 Phalloidin, CF532 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 31009-T AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution, trial size 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 588 Biotium 00052 Phalloidin, CF660C 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4928 Biotium 31000-T EvaGreen, 20X in water (trial size): (1mL) 1ML15C to 30C-30C to -2C 616 Biotium 00053 phalloidin, CF680 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 30071-T AccuOrange™ Protein Quantitation Kit, 200 assays 1KIT15C to 30C15C to 30C 658 Biotium 00054 phalloidin, CF430 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5026 Biotium 40060-T RedDot 1, 200X in water 25uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 658 Biotium 00055 phalloidin, CF440 300U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5026 Biotium 40083-T NucSpot 470, 1000X in DMSO 20uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 700 Biotium 00070 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF488A conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 00071 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF568 conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 00072 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF594 conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 00073 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF640R conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 00074 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF532 conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 00075 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF543 conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 00076 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF620R conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 00077 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF633 conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 00078 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF660R conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 00079 Cholera Toxin Subunit B, CF680R conjugate 100ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2926 Biotium 00081 Human Transferrin, CF488A conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00082 Human Transferrin, CF543 conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00083 Human Transferrin, CF568 conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00084 Human Transferrin, CF594 conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00085 Human Transferrin, CF640R conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00086 Human Transferrin, CF680R conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 00087 Human Transferrin, CF750 conjugate 1mg2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 00221 SIN-1(3-morpholinosydnonimine, hydrochloride) 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 00221-1 SIN-1(3-morpholinosydnonimine, hydrochloride): (25x1mg) 25ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 00222 SNAP (s-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine ) 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2170 Biotium 00223 S-nitrosoglutathione 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2170 Biotium 00224 L-NMMA: (50mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 00225 DEA-nonoate 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 00239 Nitric oxide generation kit 1SET15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3290 Biotium 00240 7-nitroindazole (7-ni) 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 00241 l-nmma (ng-methyl-l-arginine, acetate sa 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2086 Biotium 00242 L-NIL: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 00243 L-NIO: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 00249 NOS Inhibitor Kit 1SET15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 00300 DAA (1,2-diaminoanthraquinone) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 00301 2,3-Diaminonaphthalene 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 658 Biotium 10001 BCIP, Na (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, disodium salt): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 840 Biotium 10001-1 BCIP, Na (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, disodium salt): (500mg) 500MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3122 Biotium 10001-2 BCIP, Na (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, disodium salt): (5g) 5G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 15512 Biotium 10002 BCIP, toluidine (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, p-toluidine salt): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10002-1 BCIP, toluidine (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, p-toluidine salt): (500mg) 500MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 10002-2 BCIP, toluidine (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, p-toluidine salt): (5g) 5G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 14994 Biotium 10003 BCIP/NBT kit 1SET15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 10004 BCIP Red (5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, p-toluidine salt): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 10005 BCIP red/NBT kit 1SET15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 10006 BCIP Pink (6-chloro-3-indoxyl phosphate, p-toluidine salt): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 10007 BCIP pink/NBT kit 1SET15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2380 Biotium 10008 NBT (nitro blue tetrazolium, chloride) 250MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 518 Biotium 10008-1 NBT (nitro blue tetrazolium, chloride) 1G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 10008-2 NBT (nitro blue tetrazolium, chloride) 5G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 6328 Biotium 10009 MUP, Free Acid (4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, free acid):(100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 644 Biotium 10009-1 MUP, Free Acid (4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, free acid): (5g) 5G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8106 Biotium 10010 MUP, Na (4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, disodium salt): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 742 Biotium 10010-1 MUP, Na (4-methylumbelliferyl phosphate, disodium salt): (5g) 5G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8904 Biotium 10011 X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-galactopyranoside): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 518 Biotium 10011-1 X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-galactopyranoside): (1g) 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 10011-2 X-Gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-galactopyranoside): (5g) 5G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5670 Biotium 10012 Red-beta-D-Gal (5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10013 Rose-beta-D-Gal (6-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10014 Purple-beta-D-Gal (5-iodo-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10015 Green-beta-D-Gal (N-methylindolyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10016 X-GlcU, CHA (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide, cyclohexylammonium salt): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 10017 X-GlcU, Na (X-GlcA, Na; 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide, sodium salt): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 10018 Red-beta-D-GlcU (Magenta-beta-D-GlcA; 5-bromo-6-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronide, cyclohexylammmonium salt): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 10019 Rose-beta-D-GlcU, CHA (6-chloro-3-indoly-beta-D-glucuronide, cyclohexylammonium salt): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 10020 MUG (MUGlcU; 4-MU-glcUA; 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronic acid dihydrate): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 10021 IPTG 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 406 Biotium 10021-1 IPTG 1G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 574 Biotium 10021-2 IPTG 5G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2030 Biotium 10022 Chromogenic phosphatase substrate sampler kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 10024 Chromogenic beta-galactosidase substrate sampler kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 10025 Chromogenic beta-glucuronidase substrate sampler kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 10026 X-beta-D-cellobioside (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-cellobioside) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10030 FDP (Fluorescein diphosphate, tetraammonium salt): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 10050 ABTS (2,2' -azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid), diammonium salt): (1g) 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 10054 Resazurin, sodium salt 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1232 Biotium 10055 Dihydrorhodamine 123 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 10056 Dihydrorhodamine 123, dihydrochloride salt: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 10056-1 Dihydrorhodamine 123, dihydrochloride salt: (20x500ug) 20x500µG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 10057 Dihydroethidium (Hydroethidine): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 10058 2’,7’-Dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCFDA): (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 938 Biotium 10059 MTT 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 742 Biotium 10060 XTT 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 10061 10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 10062 Resorufin (high purity) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 672 Biotium 10063 CTC (5-Cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 658 Biotium 10064 N6-((6-Aminohexyl)carbamoylmethyl)nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, lithium salt 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 10100 D-Luciferin, free acid 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10100-1 D-Luciferin, free acid 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 10100-2 D-Luciferin, free acid 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8358 Biotium 10101 D-Luciferin, potassium salt 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10101-1 D-Luciferin, potassium salt 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 10101-2 D-Luciferin, potassium salt 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8358 Biotium 10102 D-Luciferin, sodium salt 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 10102-1 D-Luciferin, sodium salt 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 10102-2 D-Luciferin, sodium salt 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8358 Biotium 10103 DMNPE-Caged D-Luciferin: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1232 Biotium 10110 Coelenterazine (native) 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10110-1 Coelenterazine (native) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 10110-2 Coelenterazine (native) 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1708 Biotium 10111 Coelenterazine h 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10111-1 Coelenterazine h 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 10111-2 Coelenterazine h 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1708 Biotium 10112 Coelenterazine cp 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10112-1 Coelenterazine cp 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10112-2 Coelenterazine cp 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10113 Coelenterazine hcp 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10113-1 Coelenterazine hcp 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10113-2 Coelenterazine hcp 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10114 Coelenterazine f 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10114-1 Coelenterazine f 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10114-2 Coelenterazine f 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10115 Coelenterazine n 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10115-1 Coelenterazine n 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10115-2 Coelenterazine n 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10116 Coelenterazine ip 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10116-1 Coelenterazine ip 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10116-2 Coelenterazine ip 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10117 Coelenterazine fcp 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10117-1 Coelenterazine fcp 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10117-2 Coelenterazine fcp 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10121 Coelenterazine i 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 784 Biotium 10121-1 Coelenterazine i 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 8498 Biotium 10121-2 Coelenterazine i 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 10122 Coelenterazine, 2-methyl derivative (methyl coelenterazine) 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 476 Biotium 10122-1 Coelenterazine, 2-methyl derivative (methyl coelenterazine) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 10123 Coelenterazine sampler kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 10124 Coelenterazine e 50uG15C to 30C 2C to 8C1470 Biotium 10124-2 Coelenterazine e 250uG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 10125 Coelenterazine 400A (DeepBlueC, a trademark of PE) 50µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 10125-1 Coelenterazine 400A (DeepBlueC, a trademark of PE) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3066 Biotium 10125-2 Coelenterazine 400A (DeepBlueC, a trademark of PE) 250µG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 10126 Aquaphile Coelenterazine Native, lyophilized solid 100uG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 10126-50ug Aquaphile Coelenterazine Native, lyophilized solid 50uG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 10127 Aquaphile Coelenterazine h, lyophilized solid 100uG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 10127-50ug Aquaphile Coelenterazine h, lyophilized solid 50uG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 10201 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin, N-CBZ-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine amide, hydrochloride (Z-FR-AMC, or Z-FR-MCA) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 10202 7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin, N-CBZ-L-aspartyl-L-glutamyl-L-valyl-1-aspartic acid amide (Z-DEVD-AMC, or Z-DEVD-MCA 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 10205 Rhodamine 110, bis-(N-CBZ-L-arginine amide), dihydrochloride (BZAR 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 10207 Rhodamine 110, bis-(N-CBZ-L-isoleucyl-L-glutamyl-L-threonyl-L-aspartic acid amide) (Ac-IETD-R110) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3402 Biotium 10208 Rhodamine 110, bis-(N-CBZ-L-isoleucyl-L-prolyl-L-arginine amide), dihydrochloride (BZiPAR) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 10209 Rhodamine 110, bis-(N-CBZ-L-phenylalanyl-L-arginine amide), dihydrochloride (Z-FR-R110) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 10210 Rhodamine 110, bis-(L-aspartic acid amide), ditrifluoroacetic acid salt (D2R) 2MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 10211 Z-AAD-R110 (rhodamine 110, bis-(N-CBZ-L-ananyl-L-ananyl-L-aspartic acid amide) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 10220 Z-AA-R110-PEG (rhodamine 110-PEG, N-CBZ-L-alanyl-L-alanine amide) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1708 Biotium 10225 R110-PEG (Rhodamine 110-PEG) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 10402 NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4368 Biotium 70068-T MitoView™ 720, 1000X in DMSO, Trial Size 50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 700 Biotium 10403 NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1mM in 1X PBS 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4368 Biotium 30085-T Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 50AS2C to 8C -70C742 Biotium 10404 Ac-DEVD-CHO, Caspase-3 Inhibitor 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 10404-1 Ac-DEVD-CHO, Caspase-3 Inhibitor 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 952 Biotium 10405 NucView 405 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4368 Biotium 31006-T AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standard, trial size (200 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 742 Biotium 10406 NucView 530 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4368 Biotium 31007-T AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standard, trial size (200 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 742 Biotium 10407 NucView 405 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in 1X PBS 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4368 Biotium 31027-T AccuClear Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution, Trial Size (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 742 Biotium 10408 NucView 530 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in 1X PBS 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4368 Biotium 31070-T AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (100 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 770 Biotium 20010 CF 488A goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), 2 mg/mL: (0.5mL) 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20010-1 CF488A goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), 2 mg/mL: (50uL) 50µL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20010-1mg CF488A goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20011 CF488A F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20011-1 CF488A F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C 2C to 8C1106 Biotium 20012 CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20012-1 CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20012-1mg CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20013 CF488A F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20013-1 CF488A F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20014 CF488A donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20014-1 CF488A donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20014-1mg CF488A donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20015 CF488A donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20015-1 CF488A donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20015-1mg CF488A donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20016 CF488A donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20016-1 CF488A donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20016-1mg CF488A donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20017 CF488A goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20017-1 CF488A goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20017-1mg CF488A goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20018 CF488A goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20018-1 CF488A goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20018-1mg CF488A goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20019 CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20019-1 CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20019-1mg CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20020 CF488A goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20020-1 CF488A goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20020-1mg CF488A goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20021 CF488A rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20021-1 CF488A rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20021-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20022 CF488A goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20022-1 CF488A goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20022-1mg CF488A goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20023 CF488A goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20023-1 CF488A goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20023-1mg CF488A goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20024 CF488A donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20024-1 CF488A donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20024-1mg CF488A donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20025 CF488A rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20025-1 CF488A rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20025-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20026 CF488A rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20026-1 CF488A rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20026-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20027 CF488A donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20027-1 CF488A donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20027-1mg CF488A donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20028 CF488A goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20028-1 CF488A goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20028-1mg CF488A goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20030 CF 555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20030-1 CF 555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20030-1mg CF 555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20031 CF 555 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20031-1 CF 555 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20031-1mg CF 555 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20032 CF 555 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20032-1 CF 555 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20033 CF 555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20033-1 CF 555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20033-1mg CF 555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20034 CF555 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20034-1 CF555 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20034-1mg CF555 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20035 CF 555 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20035-1 CF 555 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20036 CF 555 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20036-1 CF 555 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20036-1mg CF 555 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20037 CF 555 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20037-1 CF555 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20037-1mg CF555 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20038 CF 555 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20038-1 CF555 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20038-1mg CF555 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20039 CF 555 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20039-1 CF 555 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20039-1mg CF 555 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20040 CF 647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20040-1 CF 647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20040-1mg CF 647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20041 CF647 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20041-1 CF647 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20041-1mg CF647 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20042 CF 647 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20042-1 CF 647 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20043 CF 647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20043-1 CF 647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20043-1mg CF 647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20044 CF647 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20044-1 CF647 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20044-1mg CF647 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20045 CF 647 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20045-1 CF 647 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20046 CF 647 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20046-1 CF 647 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20046-1mg CF 647 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20047 CF 647 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20047-1 CF 647 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20047-1mg CF 647 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20048 CF 647 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20048-1 CF 647 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20048-1mg CF 647 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20049 CF647 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20049-1 CF647 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20049-1mg CF647 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20050 CF 660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20050-1 CF 660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20050-1mg CF 660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20051 CF660C donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20051-1 CF660C donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20051-1mg CF660C donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20052 CF660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20052-1 CF660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20052-1mg CF660C goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20053 CF660C goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20053-1 CF660C goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20053-1mg CF660C goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20054 CF660R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20054-1 CF660R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20054-1mg CF660R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20055 CF660R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20055-1 CF660R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20055-1mg CF660R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20060 CF680 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20060-1 CF680 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20061 CF680 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20061-1 CF680 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20062 CF680 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20062-1 CF680 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20063 CF680 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 20063-1 CF680 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20064 CF680 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 20064-1 CF680 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20065 CF680 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20065-1 CF680 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20066 CF633 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20066-1 CF633 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20066-1mg CF633 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20067 CF680 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20067-1 CF680 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20068 CF680 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20068-1 CF680 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 20068-1mg CF680 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20069 CF680 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20069-1 CF680 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20070 CF750 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20070-1 CF750 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 20070-1mg CF750 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20071 CF488A Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20071-1 CF488A Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20071-1mg CF488A Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20072 CF594 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20072-1 CF594 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20072-1mg CF594 Rabbit anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20073 CF750 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20073-1 CF750 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 20073-1mg CF750 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20074 CF488A Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20074-1 CF488A Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20074-1mg CF488A Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20075 CF594 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20075-1 CF594 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20075-1mg CF594 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20076 CF633 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20076-1 CF633 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20076-1mg CF633 Donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20077 CF770 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20077-1 CF770 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20078 CF770 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20078-1 CF 770 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-absorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20079 CF488A Rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20079-1 CF488A Rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20079-1mg CF488A Rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20080 CF405S goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20080-1 CF405S goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20080-1mg CF405S goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20081 CF640R goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20081-1 CF640R goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20081-1mg CF640R goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20082 CF405S goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20082-1 CF405S goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20082-1mg CF405S goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20083 CF640R donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20083-1 CF640R donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20083-1mg CF640R donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20084 CF640R goat anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20084-1 CF640R goat anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20084-1mg CF640R goat anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20085 CF640R goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20085-1 CF640R goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20085-1mg CF640R goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20086 CF640R F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 20086-1 CF640R F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20087 CF640R F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 20087-1 CF640R F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20088 CF640R goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20088-1 CF640R goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20088-1mg CF640R goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20089 CF640R goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20089-1 CF640R goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20089-1mg CF640R goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20090 CF640R rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20090-1 CF640R rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20090-1mg CF640R rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20091 CF568 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20091-1 CF568 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20091-1mg CF568 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20092 CF568 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20092-1 CF568 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20092-1mg CF568 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20093 CF568 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20093-1 CF568 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20093-1mg CF568 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20094 CF568 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20094-1 CF568 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20094-1mg CF568 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20095 CF568 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20095-1 CF568 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20095-1mg CF568 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20096 CF568 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20096-1 CF568 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20096-1mg CF568 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20097 CF568 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20097-1 CF568 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20097-1mg CF568 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20098 CF568 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20098-1 CF568 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20098-1mg CF568 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20099 CF568 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20099-1 CF568 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20100 CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20100-1 CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20100-1mg CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20101 CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20101-1 CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20101-1mg CF568 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20102 CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20102-1 CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20102-1mg CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20103 CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20103-1 CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20103-1mg CF568 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20104 CF568 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20104-1 CF568 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20104-1mg CF568 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20105 CF568 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20105-1 CF568 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20105-1mg CF568 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20106 CF568 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20106-1 CF568 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20106-1mg CF568 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20107 CF568 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20107-1 CF568 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20107-1mg CF568 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20108 CF568 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20108-1 CF568 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20108-1mg CF568 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20109 CF568 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20109-1 CF568 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20110 CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20110-1 CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20110-1mg CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20111 CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20111-1 CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20111-1mg CF594 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20112 CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20112-1 CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20112-1mg CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20113 CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20113-1 CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20113-1mg CF594 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20114 CF594 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20114-1 CF594 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20114-1mg CF594 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20115 CF594 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20115-1 CF594 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20115-1mg CF594 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20116 CF594 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20116-1 CF594 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20116-1mg CF594 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20117 CF594 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20117-1 CF594 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20117-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20118 CF594 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20118-1 CF594 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20118-1mg CF594 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20119 CF594 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20119-1 CF594 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20120 CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20120-1 CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20120-1mg CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20121 CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20121-1 CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20121-1mg CF633 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20122 CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20122-1 CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20122-1mg CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20123 CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20123-1 CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20123-1mg CF633 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20124 CF633 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20124-1 CF633 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20124-1mg CF633 donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20125 CF633 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20125-1 CF633 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20125-1mg CF633 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20126 CF633 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20126-1 CF633 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20126-1mg CF633 goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20127 CF633 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20127-1 CF633 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20127-1mg CF633 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20128 CF633 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20128-1 CF633 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20128-1mg CF633 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20129 CF633 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20129-1 CF633 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20129-1mg CF633 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20130 CF633 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20130-1 CF633 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20131 CF633 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20131-1 CF633 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20132 CF633 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20132-1 CF633 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20132-1mg CF633 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20133 CF633 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20133-1 CF633 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20133-1mg CF633 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20134 CF633 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20134-1 CF633 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20134-1mg CF633 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20135 CF633 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20135-1 CF633 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20135-1mg CF633 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20136 CF633 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20136-1 CF633 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20136-1mg CF633 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20137 CF633 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20137-1 CF633 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20137-1mg CF633 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20138 CF633 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20138-1 CF633 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20138-1mg CF633 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20140 CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20140-1 CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20140-1mg CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20141 CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20141-1 CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20141-1mg CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20142 CF350 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20142-1 CF350 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20142-1mg CF350 donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20143 CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20143-1 CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20143-1mg CF350 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20144 CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20144-1 CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20144-1mg CF350 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20145 CF350 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20145-1 CF350 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20146 CF350 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20146-1 CF350 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20147 CF350 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20147-1 CF350 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20147-1mg CF350 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20148 CF350 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20148-1 CF350 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20148-1mg CF350 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20149 CF350 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20149-1 CF350 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20149-1mg CF350 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20152 CF594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20152-1 CF594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20152-1mg CF594 donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20153 CF594 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20153-1 CF594 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20154 CF594 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20154-1 CF594 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20154-1mg CF594 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20155 CF594 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20155-1 CF594 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20155-1mg CF594 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20156 CF594 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20156-1 CF594 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20156-1mg CF594 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20157 CF594 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20157-1 CF594 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20157-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20158 CF594 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20158-1 CF594 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20158-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20159 CF594 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20159-1 CF594 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20159-1mg CF594 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20160 CF594 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20160-1 CF594 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20160-1mg CF594 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20164 CF594 rabbit anti-chicken IgY ( IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20164-1 CF594 rabbit anti-chicken IgY ( IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20164-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-chicken IgY ( IgG) (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20165 CF633 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20165-1 CF633 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20165-1mg CF633 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20166 CF488A donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20166-1 CF488A donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20166-1mg CF488A donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20167 CF594 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20167-1 CF594 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20167-1mg CF594 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20168 CF633 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20168-1 CF633 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20168-1mg CF633 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20169 CF488A donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20169-1 CF488A donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20169-1mg CF488A donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20170 CF594 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20170-1 CF594 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20170-1mg CF594 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20171 CF633 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20171-1 CF633 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20171-1mg CF633 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20172 CF488A rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20172-1 CF488A rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20172-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20173 CF594 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20173-1 CF594 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20173-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20174 CF633 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20174-1 CF633 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20174-1mg CF594 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20175 CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20175-1 CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20175-1mg CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20176 CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20176-1 CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20176-1mg CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20177 CF640R donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20177-1 CF640R donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20177-1mg CF640R donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20178 CF640R donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20178-1 CF640R donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20178-1mg CF640R donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20179 CF640R donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20179-1 CF640R donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20179-1mg CF640R donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20180 CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20180-1 CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20180-1mg CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20181 CF405M goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5 mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20181-1 CF405M goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20181-1mg CF405M goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20182 CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20182-1 CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20182-1mg CF405M goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20183 Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20183-1 Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20183-1mg Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20184 Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20184-1 Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20184-1mg Biotin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20185 Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20185-1 Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20185-1mg Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20186 Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20186-1 Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20186-1mg Biotin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20187 Biotin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20187-1 Biotin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20188 Biotin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 20188-1 Biotin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20189 Biotin donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20189-1 Biotin donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20189-1mg Biotin donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20190 Biotin donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20190-1 Biotin donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20190-1mg Biotin donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20191 Biotin donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20191-1 Biotin donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20191-1mg Biotin donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20192 CF680R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20192-1 CF680R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20193 CF680R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20193-1 CF680R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20194 CF680R donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20194-1 CF680R donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20195 CF680R donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20195-1 CF680R donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20196 CF680R donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20196-1 CF680R donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20197 CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20197-1 CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20197-1mg CF640R goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20198 CF350 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20198-1 CF350 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20198-1mg CF350 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20199 CF640R donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20199-1 CF640R donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20199-1mg CF640R donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium AOA体育0 CF640R rabbit anti-mouseIgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium AOA体育0-1 CF640R rabbit anti-mouseIgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium AOA体育0-1mg CF640R rabbit anti-mouseIgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium AOA体育1 CF640R rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium AOA体育1-1 CF640R rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium AOA体育1-1mg CF640R rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium AOA体育2 CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium AOA体育2-1 CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium AOA体育2-1mg CF640R goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium AOA体育3 CF405S monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium AOA体育3-1 CF405S monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium AOA体育4 CF488A monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium AOA体育4-1 CF488A monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium AOA体育5 CF594 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium AOA体育5-1 CF594 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium AOA体育6 CF633 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium AOA体育6-1 CF633 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium AOA体育7 CF640R monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium AOA体育7-1 CF640R monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium AOA体育8 CF488A chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L),2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium AOA体育8-1 CF488A chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L),2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium AOA体育8-1mg CF488A chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium AOA体育9 CF488A chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L),2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium AOA体育9-1 CF488A chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L),2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium AOA体育9-1mg CF488A chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20210 CF488A monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20210-1 CF488A monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20211 CF594 monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20211-1 CF594 monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20212 CF633 monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20212-1 CF633 monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20213 CF640R monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20213-1 CF640R monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20214 CF405M monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20214-1 CF405M monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20215 CF488A monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20216 CF594 monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20217 CF633 monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20218 CF640R monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20219 CF680 monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20220 CF770 monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 0.1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20221 CF594 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20221-1 CF594 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20221-1mg CF594 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20222 CF633 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20222-1 CF633 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20222-1mg CF633 chicken anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20223 CF594 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20223-1 CF594 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20223-1mg CF594 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20224 CF633 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20224-1 CF633 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20224-1mg CF633 chicken anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20225 CF488A chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20225-1 CF488A chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20225-1mg CF488A chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20226 CF594 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20226-1 CF594 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20226-1mg CF594 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20227 CF633 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20227-1 CF633 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20227-1mg CF633 chicken anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20228 CF488A Monoclonal Mouse anti-6X His IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20229 CF594 Monoclonal Mouse anti-6X His IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20230 CF555 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20230-1 CF555 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20230-1mg CF555 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20231 CF555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20231-1 CF555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20231-1mg CF555 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20232 CF555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20232-1 CF555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20232-1mg CF555 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20233 CF555 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20233-1 CF555 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20233-1mg CF555 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20234 CF555 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20234-1 CF555 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20234-1mg CF555 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20235 CF555 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20235-1 CF555 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20235-1mg CF555 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20236 CF555 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20236-1 CF555 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20236-1mg CF555 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20237 CF640R Monoclonal Mouse anti-6X His IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20238 CF488A Rabbit anti-HA (Hemagglutinin) IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20239 CF594 Rabbit anti-HA (Hemagglutinin)IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20240 CF640R Rabbit anti-HA (Hemagglutinin)IgG,1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4186 Biotium 20241 CF680 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20241-1 CF680 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20242 CF770 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20242-1 CF770 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20243 CF680 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20243-1 CF680 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 20243-1mg CF680 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20244 CF770 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20244-1 CF770 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 20244-1mg CF770 rabbit anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20245 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20245-1 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20246 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20246-1 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20247 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20247-1 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20248 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20248-1 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20249 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20249-1 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20250 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20250-1 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20251 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20251-1 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20252 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20252-1 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20253 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20253-1 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20254 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20254-1 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20255 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20255-1 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20256 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20256-1 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20257 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20257-1 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20258 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20258-1 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20259 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20259-1 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20260 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20260-1 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20261 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20261-1 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20262 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20262-1 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20263 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20263-1 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20264 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20264-1 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20265 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20265-1 CF350 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20266 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20266-1 CF488A Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20267 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20267-1 CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20268 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20268-1 CF568 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20269 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20269-1 CF594 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20270 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20270-1 CF633 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20271 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20271-1 CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20272 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20272-1 CF647 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20273 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20273-1 CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20274 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 20274-1 CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20275 CF350 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20275-1 CF350 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20275-1mg CF350 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20276 CF555 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20276-1 CF555 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20276-1mg CF555 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20277 CF770 donkey anti-goat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20277-1 CF770 donkey anti-goat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20278 CF680 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20278-1 CF680 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20279 CF770 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20279-1 CF770 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20280 CF647 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20280-1 CF647 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20280-1mg CF647 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20281 CF647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20281-1 CF647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20281-1mg CF647 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20282 CF647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20282-1 CF647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20282-1mg CF647 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20283 CF647 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20283-1 CF647 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20283-1mg CF647 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20284 CF647 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20284-1 CF647 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20284-1mg CF647 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20285 CF647 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20285-1 CF647 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20285-1mg CF647 rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20286 CF647 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20286-1 CF647 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20286-1mg CF647 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20287 CF680 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20287-1 CF680 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20288 CF770 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20288-1 CF770 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20289 Bovine serum albumin, CF488A conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20290 Bovine serum albumin, CF594 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20291 Bovine serum albumin, CF640R conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 20292 Bovine serum albumin, CF680 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20293 CF488A Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20293-1 CF488A Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20293-1mg CF488A Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20294 CF568 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20294-1 CF568 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20294-1mg CF568 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20295 CF594 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20295-1 CF594 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20295-1mg CF594 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20296 CF633 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20296-1 CF633 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20296-1mg CF633 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20297 CF640R Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20297-1 CF640R Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20297-1mg CF640R Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20298 CF750 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20298-1 CF750 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20299 CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20299-1 CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20299-1mg CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20300 CF543 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20300-1 CF543 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20300-1mg CF543 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20301 CF568 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20301-1 CF568 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20301-1mg CF568 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20302 CF488A Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20302-1 CF488A Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20302-1mg CF488A Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20303 CF594 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20303-1 CF594 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20303-1mg CF594 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20304 CF640R Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20304-1 CF640R Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20304-1mg CF640R Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20305 CF543 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20305-1 CF543 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20305-1mg CF543 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20306 CF543 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20306-1 CF543 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20306-1mg CF543 goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20307 CF543 Rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20307-1 CF543 Rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20307-1mg CF543 Rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20308 CF543 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20308-1 CF543 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20308-1mg CF543 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20309 CF543 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20309-1 CF543 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20309-1mg CF543 goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20310 CF543 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20310-1 CF543 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20310-1mg CF543 donkey anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20311 CF543 goat anti-chicken IgY(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20311-1 CF543 goat anti-chicken IgY(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20311-1mg CF543 goat anti-chicken IgY(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20312 CF543 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20312-1 CF543 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20312-1mg CF543 rabbit anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20313 CF543 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20313-1 CF543 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20313-1mg CF543 Bovine anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20314 CF543 Donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20314-1 CF543 Donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20314-1mg CF543 Donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20315 CF543 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20315-1 CF543 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20315-1mg CF543 rabbit anti-goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20316 CF543 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20316-1 CF543 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20316-1mg CF543 donkey anti-guinea pig IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20317 CF543 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20317-1 CF543 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20317-1mg CF543 goat anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20318 CF543 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20318-1 CF543 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20318-1mg CF543 donkey anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20319 CF543 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20319-1 CF543 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20319-1mg CF543 goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20320 CF543 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20320-1 CF543 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20320-1mg CF543 donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20321 CF543 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20321-1 CF543 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20321-1mg CF543 goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20322 CF543 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20322-1 CF543 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20322-1mg CF543 donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20323 CF543 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20323-1 CF543 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20323-1mg CF543 rabbit anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20324 CF543 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20324-1 CF543 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20324-1mg CF543 goat anti-swine IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20325 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20325-1 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20326 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20326-1 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20327 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20327-1 CF543 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20328 CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20328-1 CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20328-1mg CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20329 CF543 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20329-1 CF543 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20330 CF543 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20330-1 CF543 F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20331-1mg CF350 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20331-500uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20331-50uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20332-1mg CF350 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20332-500uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20332-50uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20333-1mg CF543 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20333-500uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20333-50uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20334-1mg CF543 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20334-500uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20334-50uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20335-1mg CF543 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20335-500uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20335-50uL CF543 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20336-1mg CF543 Rabbit Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20336-500uL CF543 Rabbit Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20336-50uL CF543 Rabbit Anit-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20337-1mg CF568 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20337-500uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20337-50uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20338-1mg CF568 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20338-500uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20338-50uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20339-1mg CF568 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20339-500uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20339-50uL CF568 Chicken Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20340-1mg CF405M Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20340-500uL CF405M Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20340-50uL CF405M Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20341-1mg CF633 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20341-500uL CF633 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20341-50uL CF633 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20342-50uL CF790 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20343-50uL CF790 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20344-50uL CF790 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20345-50uL CF790 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20346-250uL CF647 Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 20346-50uL CF647 Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20347-250uL CF488A Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 20347-50uL CF488A Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20348-250uL CF594 Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 20348-50uL CF594 Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20349-250uL CF640R Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 20349-50uL CF640R Goat Anti-Human IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20350 CF350 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20350-1 CF350 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20350-1mg CF350 Donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20351 CF350 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20351-1 CF350 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20351-1mg CF350 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20352-1mL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 20352-200uL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 20353-1mL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 20353-200uL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 20354-1mL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 20354-200uL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1400 Biotium 20355-1mL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 20355-200uL R-phycoerythrin goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1400 Biotium 20356-1mg CF488A donkey anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20356-500uL CF405S Donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20356-50uL CF405S Donkey anti-guinea pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20357-200uL R-phycoerythrin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 20357-500uL R-phycoerythrin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 20358-200uL R-phycoerythrin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 20358-500uL R-phycoerythrin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 20359 CF680 Monoclonal Mouse anti-6X His IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 20360 CF770 Monoclonal Mouse anti-6X His IgG, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 20361-1mg CF488A donkey anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20361-500uL CF350 Donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly crossed-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20361-50uL CF350 Donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly crossed-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20362-250uL CF750 Donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly crossed-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20362-50uL CF750 Donkey anti-goat IgG(H+L), highly crossed-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20363-50uL CF790 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20364-1mg CF350 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20364-500uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20364-50uL CF350 Chicken Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20365-1mg CF532 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20365-500uL CF532 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20365-50uL CF532 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20366-1mg CF532 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20366-500uL CF532 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20366-50uL CF532 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20367-250uL CF770 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 20367-50uL CF770 monoclonal mouse anti-biotin IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20368-1mg CF488A goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20368-500uL CF660C Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20368-50uL CF660C Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20369-1mg CF488A goat anti-chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20369-500uL CF660C Goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20369-50uL CF660C Goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20370-1mg CF660C Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20370-500uL CF660C Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20370-50uL CF660C Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20371-1mg CF488A goat anti-human IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20371-500uL CF660C Goat anti-chicken IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20371-50uL CF660C Goat anti-chicken IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20372-1mg CF488A goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20372-500uL CF660C Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20372-50uL CF660C Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20373-1mg CF488A donkey anti-sheep IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20373-500uL CF405M Goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20373-50uL CF405M Goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20374-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20374-500uL CF405M Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20374-50uL CF405M Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20375-1mg CF488A rabbit anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20375-500uL CF405M Goat anti-chicken IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20375-50uL CF405M Goat anti-chicken IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20376-1mg CF488A donkey anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20376-500uL CF405M Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20376-50uL CF405M Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20377-1mg CF568 Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20377-500uL CF568 Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20377-50uL CF568 Donkey Anti-Guinea Pig IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20378-50uL CF790 Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20379-50uL CF790 Goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20380-250uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20380-50uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20381-250uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20381-50uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20382-250uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20382-50uL CF405S Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20383-250uL CF770 Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 20383-50uL CF770 Goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20384-250uL CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20384-50uL CF680 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20385-250uL CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20385-50uL CF770 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20386-1mg CF514 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20386-500uL CF514 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20386-50uL CF514 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20387-1mg CF514 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20387-500uL CF514 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20387-50uL CF514 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20388-1mg CF660R Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20388-500uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20388-50uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20389-1mg CF660R Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20389-500uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20389-50uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20390-1mg CF660R Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20390-500uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20390-50uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20391-1mg CF660R Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20391-500uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20391-50uL CF660R Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20398-1mg CF405M Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20398-500uL CF405M Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20398-50uL CF405M Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20399-0.25mL CF660R monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20399-50uL CF660R monoclonal mouse anti-fluorescein (FITC) IgG, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20400-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20400-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20400-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20401-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20401-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1918 Biotium 20401-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20402-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20402-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20402-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20403-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20403-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1918 Biotium 20403-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20404-100uL HRP Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20404-1mg HRP Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1918 Biotium 20404-1mL HRP Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20405-100uL HRP Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20405-1mg HRP Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1918 Biotium 20405-1mL HRP Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 20406-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 20406-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1820 Biotium 20406-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 20408-1mg CF405L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20408-500uL CF405L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20408-50uL CF405L Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20409-1mg CF405L Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20409-500uL CF405L Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20409-50uL CF405L Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20410-500ug CF640R Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment, Fcγ Fragment Specific, highly cross-adsorbed 500ug15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20411-100uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20411-500uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 20412-100uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20412-500uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 20413-100uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 20413-500uL Allophycocyanin goat anti-rat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 0.5 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3752 Biotium 20414-100uL Allophycocyanin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20414-500uL Allophycocyanin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4396 Biotium 20415-100uL Allophycocyanin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20415-500uL Allophycocyanin F(ab')2 fragment of goat anti-rabbit IgG(H+L), 0.5 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4396 Biotium 20416-1mg CF405S Donkey Anti-Goat, highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20416-500uL CF405S Donkey Anti-Goat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20416-50uL CF405S Donkey Anti-Goat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20417-250uL CF680 Donkey anti-rat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20417-50 uL CF680 Donkey anti-rat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20418-250uL CF680 Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20418-50 uL CF680 Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20419-1mg CF405S Donkey anti-rat, highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20419-50 ul CF405S Donkey anti-rat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20419-500uL CF405S Donkey anti-rat, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20420-1mg CF405S Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20420-50 ul CF405S Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20420-500uL CF405S Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20421 CF488A Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20422 CF594 Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20423 CF640R Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20424 CF488A Goat anti-GST (Glutathione S-transferase tag), 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20425 CF594 Goat anti-GST (Glutathione S-transferase tag), 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20426 CF640R Goat anti-GST (Glutathione S-transferase tag), 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20427-1mg CF633 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20427-500uL CF633 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20427-50uL CF633 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20428-1mg CF488A Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20428-500uL CF488A Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20428-50uL CF488A Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20429-1mg CF594 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20429-500uL CF594 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 20429-50uL CF594 Goat anti-human IgA (Alpha chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 20430-250uL CF750 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20430-50uL CF750 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20431-250uL CF750 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3 (γ3), 2mg/mL 0.25mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 20431-50uL CF750 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG3 (γ3), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20432 CF488A Rabbit anti-FLAG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20433 CF543 Rabbit anti-FLAG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20434 CF594 Rabbit anti-FLAG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20435 CF640R Rabbit anti-FLAG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20436 CF488A Rabbit anti-MYC, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20437 CF543 Rabbit anti-MYC, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20438 CF594 Rabbit anti-MYC, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20439 CF640R Rabbit anti-MYC, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20440 CF488A Rabbit anti-V5, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20441 CF543 Rabbit anti-V5, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20442 CF594 Rabbit anti-V5, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20443 CF640R Rabbit anti-V5, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 20444-1mg CF488A Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20444-500uL CF488A Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20444-50uL CF488A Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20445-1mg CF543 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20445-500uL CF543 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20445-50uL CF543 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20446-1mg CF594 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20446-500uL CF594 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20446-50uL CF594 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20447-1mg CF640R Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20447-500uL CF640R Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20447-50uL CF640R Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20448-1mg CF647 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20448-500uL CF647 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20448-50uL CF647 Goat anti-Human IgG (H&L), Fc gamma specific, highly cross adsorbed 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20449-1mg CF488A Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20449-500uL CF488A Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20449-50uL CF488A Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20450-1mg CF568 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20450-500uL CF568 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20450-50uL CF568 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20451-1mg CF594 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20451-500uL CF594 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20451-50uL CF594 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20452-1mg CF640R Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20452-500uL CF640R Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20452-50uL CF640R Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20453-1mg CF647 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20453-500uL CF647 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20453-50uL CF647 Llama anti-rabbit IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20454-1mg CF488A Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20454-500uL CF488A Llama anti-mouseIgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20454-50uL CF488A Llama anti-mouseIgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20455-1mg CF568 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20455-500uL CF568 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20455-50uL CF568 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20456-1mg CF594 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20456-500uL CF594 Llama anti-mouseIgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20456-50uL CF594 Llama anti-mouseIgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20457-1mg CF640R Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20457-500uL CF640R Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20457-50uL CF640R Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20458-1mg CF647 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 20458-500uL CF647 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20458-50uL CF647 Llama anti-mouse IgG (H&L), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 20459-1mg CF430 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20459-500uL CF430 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20459-50uL CF430 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20460-1mg CF430 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20460-500uL CF430 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20460-50uL CF430 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20461-1mg CF430 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20461-500uL CF430 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20461-50uL CF430 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20462-1mg CF430 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20462-500uL CF430 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20462-50uL CF430 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20463-250uL CF750 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20463-50uL CF750 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20464-100uL Alkaline Phosphatase Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 100ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20464-1mL Alkaline Phosphatase Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20465-100uL Alkaline Phosphatase Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 100ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 20465-1mL Alkaline Phosphatase Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 20466-100uL Alkaline Phosphatase Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 20466-1mL Alkaline Phosphatase Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20467-100uL Alkaline Phosphatase Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100ul15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 20467-1mL Alkaline Phosphatase Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 20468-1mg CF532 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20468-500uL CF532 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20468-50uL CF532 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20469-1mg CF532 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 20469-500uL CF532 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 20469-50uL CF532 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 20470-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 20470-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1820 Biotium 20470-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 20471-250uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3080 Biotium 20471-50uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG1 (γ1), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 20472-250uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3080 Biotium 20472-50uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2a (γ2a), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 20473-250uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3080 Biotium 20473-50uL Biotin Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2b (γ2b), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 20474-100uL HRP Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 20474-1mg HRP Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1820 Biotium 20474-1mL HRP Goat Anti-Chicken IgY (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 20475-100uL HRP Goat Anti-llama IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 20475-1mg HRP Goat Anti-llama IgG (H+L) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1820 Biotium 20475-1mL HRP Goat Anti-llama IgG (H+L), 1 mg/mL 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 20476 CF543 Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3220 Biotium 20477 CF568 Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3220 Biotium 20478 CF660R Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3220 Biotium 20479 CF680R Rabbit anti-RFP, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 20480 CF568 monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3220 Biotium 20481 CF660R monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 20482 CF680R monoclonal mouse anti-GFP IgG, 1mg/mL 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 20484-50uL CF770 Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 20484-250uL CF770 Donkey anti-rabbit, highly cross-adsorbed, 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 20485-50uL CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 20485-250uL CF555 Goat Anti-Mouse IgM (mu chain), 2mg/mL 250uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 20800-500uL CF568 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20800-50uL CF568 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20801-500uL CF568 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20801-50uL CF568 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20802-500uL CF568 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20802-50uL CF568 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20803-500uL CF568 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20803-50uL CF568 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20804-500uL CF594ST Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20804-50uL CF594ST Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20805-500uL CF594ST Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20805-50uL CF594ST Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20806-500uL CF594ST Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20806-50uL CF594ST Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20807-500uL CF594ST Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20807-50uL CF594ST Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20808-500uL CF647 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20808-50uL CF647 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20809-500uL CF647 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20809-50uL CF647 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20810-500uL CF647 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20810-50uL CF647 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20811-500uL CF647 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20811-50uL CF647 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20812-500uL CF660C Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20812-50uL CF660C Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20813-500uL CF660C Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20813-50uL CF660C Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20815-500uL CF660C Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20815-50uL CF660C Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20816-500uL CF660C Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20816-50uL CF660C Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20817-500uL CF680 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20817-50uL CF680 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20818-500uL CF680 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20818-50uL CF680 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20819-500uL CF680 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20819-50uL CF680 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20820-500uL CF680 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20820-50uL CF680 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20821-500uL CF535ST Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20821-50uL CF535ST Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20822-500uL CF535ST Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20822-50uL CF535ST Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20823-500uL CF535ST Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20823-50uL CF535ST Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20824-500uL CF535ST Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20824-50uL CF535ST Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20825-500uL CF750 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20825-50uL CF750 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20826-500uL CF750 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20826-50uL CF750 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20827-500uL CF750 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20827-50uL CF750 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20828-500uL CF750 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 20828-50uL CF750 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, single label for STORM, 1 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 672 Biotium 20830-50uL CF®405S Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 20830-500uL CF®405S Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 500uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3458 Biotium 20830-1mg CF®405S Goat anti-mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed (min X Rat), 2 mg/mL 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 20831-50uL CF®800 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 20832-50uL CF®800 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 20833-50uL CF®800 Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 20834-50uL CF®800 Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 20835-50uL CF®800 Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L), highly cross-adsorbed, 2 mg/mL 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 20950 Drop-n-Stain CF488A Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20951 Drop-n-Stain CF594 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20952 Drop-n-Stain CF488A Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20953 Drop-n-Stain CF594 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20954 Drop-n-Stain CF488A Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20955 Drop-n-Stain CF594 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20956 Drop-n-Stain CF488A Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20957 Drop-n-Stain CF594 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly corss-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20962 Drop-n-Stain CF640R Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20963 Drop-n-Stain CF640R Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20964 Drop-n-Stain CF640R Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20965 Drop-n-Stain CF640R Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20966 Drop-n-Stain CF543 Donkey anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20967 Drop-n-Stain CF543 Donkey anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20968 Drop-n-Stain CF543 Goat anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 20969 Drop-n-Stain CF543 Goat anti-mouse IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed 5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 21001 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 1X 200mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 784 Biotium 21001-1 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 1X 1L15C to 30C15C to 30C 2212 Biotium 21001-2 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 1X 5L15C to 30C15C to 30C 9478 Biotium 21002 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 100X 2ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 588 Biotium 21002-1 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 100X 10ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1624 Biotium 21002-2 LUMITEIN PROTEIN GEL STAIN, 100X 50ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 7350 Biotium 21003-1L One-Step Blue Protein Gel Stain, 1X 1L15C to 30C15C to 30C 1246 Biotium 21004-1L One-Step Lumitein Protein Gel Stain, 1X 1L15C to 30C15C to 30C 1610 Biotium 21004-4L One-Step Lumitein Protein Gel Stain, 1X 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 4830 Biotium 21005-1L One-Step Lumitein UV Protein Gel Stain, 1X 1L15C to 30C15C to 30C 2170 Biotium 21005-4L One-Step Lumitein UV Protein Gel Stain, 1X 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 6510 Biotium 21530-500uL Peacock Prestained Protein Marker 500UL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1750 Biotium 21530-50uL Peacock Prestained Protein Marker 50UL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 770 Biotium 21531-500uL Peacock Plus Prestained Protein Marker 500UL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1890 Biotium 21531-50uL Peacock Plus Prestained Protein Marker 50UL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 840 Biotium 22001 Ponceau S Solution 1L15C to 30C15C to 30C 952 Biotium 22002 Tween 20 50ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 798 Biotium 22003 Mini Cell Scrapers 200ST15C to 30C15C to 30C 2716 Biotium 22004 Ultrafiltration Vial, MWCO=10K 5ST15C to 30C15C to 30C 560 Biotium 22005 Mini Super HT PAP Pen 1EA15C to 30C15C to 30C 1162 Biotium 22006 Super HT PAP Pen 1EA15C to 30C15C to 30C 1624 Biotium 22007 Activated Charcoal Decontamination Bag 25ST15C to 30C15C to 30C 1302 Biotium 22010 10X Fish Gelatin Blocking Agent 100ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 784 Biotium 22011 Fish Gelatin 100G15C to 30C15C to 30C 700 Biotium 22012 Non-fat Dry Milk 100G15C to 30C15C to 30C 672 Biotium 22013 Bovine Serum Albumin-Fraction V 50G15C to 30C15C to 30C 1918 Biotium 22014 Bovine Serum Albumin 30% Solution (BSA 30%) 100mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1246 Biotium 22015 Fixation Buffer 100mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1246 Biotium 22016 Permeabilization Buffer 100mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1246 Biotium 22017 Permeabilization and Blocking Buffer (5X) 100mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 22018 Ultrafiltration Vial, MWCO=3K 5ST15C to 30C15C to 30C 518 Biotium 22019 Mini glass tubes 100ST15C to 30C15C to 30C 658 Biotium 2AOA体育 10X Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS) 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 1890 Biotium 22023 Paraformaldehyde, 4% in PBS Ready-to-Use Fixative 5x20mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1820 Biotium 22024-10G CHAPS, Ultra Pure 10G15C to 30C15C to 30C 1120 Biotium 22024-100G CHAPS, Ultra Pure 100G15C to 30C15C to 30C 6930 Biotium 23001 EverBrite Mounting Medium 10mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 23002 EverBrite Mounting Medium with DAPI 10mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1834 Biotium 23003 EverBrite Hardset Mounting Medium 10mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1834 Biotium 23004 EverBrite Hardset Mounting Medium with DAPI 10mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2058 Biotium 23005 CoverGrip Coverslip Sealant 15mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 462 Biotium 23005-1 CoverGrip Coverslip Sealant Refill 100mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2002 Biotium 23006 Flow Cytometry Fixation/Permeabilization Kit 50test15C to 30C 2C to 8C 378 Biotium 23007 TrueBlack Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher, 20X in DMF 1mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1624 Biotium 29001 Annexin V, FITC conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2870 Biotium 29002 Annexin V, sulforhodamine 101 conjugate (Texas-Red Annexin V) 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2870 Biotium 29003 Annexin V, CF 647 conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29004 Annexin V, CF 555 conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29005 Annexin V, CF488A conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29006 Annexin V, CF750 conjugate 25ug2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 29007 Annexin V, CF680 conjugate 25ug2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 29008 Annexin V, CF633 conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29009 Annexin V, CF405M conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29010 Annexin V, CF568 conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29011 Annexin V, CF594 conjugate 0.5ML2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29012 Annexin V, CF350 conjugate 0.5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29013 Annexin V, Biotin conjugate 0.5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29014 Annexin V, CF640R conjugate 0.5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3234 Biotium 29015 Concanavalin A, CF350 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2016 Biotium 29016 Concanavalin A, CF488A conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2016 Biotium 29017 Concanavalin A, CF594 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2016 Biotium 29018 Concanavalin A, CF633 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2016 Biotium 29019 Concanavalin A, CF640R conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2016 Biotium 29020 Concanavalin A, CF680 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2394 Biotium 29021 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF350 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 29021-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF350 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 29022 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF488A conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 29022-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF488A conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 29023 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF594 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 29023-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF594 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 29024 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF633 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 29024-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF633 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 29025 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF680R conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4172 Biotium 29025-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF680R conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1092 Biotium 29026 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF640R conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 29026-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF640R conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 29027 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF405S conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4088 Biotium 29027-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF405S conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 994 Biotium 29028 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF405M conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4088 Biotium 29028-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF405M conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 994 Biotium 29029 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF680 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4242 Biotium 29029-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF680 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1092 Biotium 29030 Streptavidin, CF532 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 29031 Streptavidin, CF350 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29032 Streptavidin, CF405S conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29033 Streptavidin, CF405M conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29034 Streptavidin, CF488A conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29035 Streptavidin, CF568 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29036 Streptavidin, CF594 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29037 Streptavidin, CF633 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29038 Streptavidin, CF555 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29039 Streptavidin, CF647 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29040 Streptavidin, CF660R conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29041 Streptavidin, CF640R conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 29043 Streptavidin, CF543 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 29044-1mL Streptavidin, R-phycoerythrin conjugate, 0.5 mg/mL 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3010 Biotium 29044-200uL Streptavidin, R-phycoerythrin conjugate, 0.5 mg/mL 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1302 Biotium 29045-100uL Annexin V, R-phycoerythrin conjugate (20 assays) 100uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 29045-500uL Annexin V, R-phycoerythrin conjugate (100 assays) 500uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 29046 Annexin V, CF770 25ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 29047 Annexin V, CF790 25ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 29048-1mL Streptavidin, Allophycocyanin crosslinked conjugate, 0.5 mg/ml 1mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 4018 Biotium 29048-200uL Streptavidin, Allophycocyanin crosslinked conjugate, 0.5 mg/ml 200uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 29049 Streptavidin, HRP conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 29050 Cheetah Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase 500EU2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 29051 EvaEZ Flurometric DNA Polymerase Activity Assay (200 rxn) 2mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 29052 ROX passive reference dye 5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 29056 Streptavidin, CF405L conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 29057-100uL Annexin V, Allophycocyanin crosslinked conjugate (20 assays) 100uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 29057-500uL Annexin V, Allophycocyanin crosslinked conjugate (100 assays) 500uL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 29058 Concanavalin A, CF770 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2394 Biotium 29059 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF770 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4242 Biotium 29059-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF770 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1092 Biotium 29060 CF488A Arachis hypogaes Lectin PNA (Peanut) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 29061 CF568 Arachis hypogaes Lectin PNA (Peanut) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 29062 CF594 Arachis hypogaes Lectin PNA (Peanut) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 29063 CF640R Arachis hypogaes Lectin PNA (Peanut) 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 29065 Streptavidin, CF430 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 29066 Streptavidin, CF440 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 29067 Calcofluor White Stain, 5 mM in water 20mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 742 Biotium 29068 ViaVac Red/Green 100uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 29069 Annexin V, CF660R conjugate 0.5mL2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3290 Biotium 29070 Annexin V, CF680R conjugate 25ug2C to 8C 2C to 8C 3710 Biotium 29071-100uL Streptavidin, Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate 100uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 29071-1mL Streptavidin, Alkaline Phosphatase conjugate 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 29072 Streptavidin, CF680R conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 29073 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, HRP conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 29074 Concanavalin A, CF405M conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 29075 Concanavalin A, CF405S conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 29076 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF555 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4088 Biotium 29076-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF555 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 994 Biotium 29077 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF568 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4088 Biotium 29077-1 Wheat Germ Agglutinin, CF568 conjugate 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 994 Biotium 29078 Annexin V, CF800 conjugate 25ug15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 29080 Concanavalin A, CF750 conjugate 5x1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2394 Biotium 29081 Streptavidin, CF®514 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 29082 Annexin V, CF®700 conjugate 25ug2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 29083 Annexin V, CF®450 conjugate 0.5mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3290 Biotium 30001 JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Detection Kit (100 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3164 Biotium 70059-T Lysoview 650, 1,000x in dmso trial size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 770 Biotium 30002 Viability/Cytotoxity Assay Kit for Animal Live & Dead Cells (300 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3752 Biotium 30082-T Renilla Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 50AS2C to 8C -70C812 Biotium 30006 MTT Cell Viability Assay Kit (1000 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 30007 XTT CELL VIABILITY ASSAY KIT (1000 ASSAY) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 30008-1 CASPASE3 DEVDR110 ASSAY (25 ASSAYS) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 30008-2 Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit (100 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4200 Biotium 30009-1 Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 644 Biotium 30009-2 Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 30009-3 Caspase-3 DEVD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 9562 Biotium 30011-1 Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit (25 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 30011-2 Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric and Colorimetric Assay Kit (100 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4200 Biotium 30012-1 Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 644 Biotium 30012-2 Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3892 Biotium 30012-3 Caspase-8 IETD-R110 Fluorometric HTS Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 19852 Biotium 30015 DAB Substrate kit 1Kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1176 Biotium 30017 Apoptosis & Necrosis Quantification Kit (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2506 Biotium 30018 Apoptotic, Necrotic & Healthy Cells Quantification Kit (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2716 Biotium 30019 MCB Glutathione Detection Kit (100 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4522 Biotium 30020-1 ATP-GloTM Bioluminometric Cell Viability Assay Kit (200 assays) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C1764 Biotium 30020-2 ATPGLO BIOLUMINOMETRIC CELL VIABILITY 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C4270 Biotium 31041-T Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (100 reactions) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 812 Biotium 30021 CELLBRITE GREEN CYTOPLASMIC MEMBRANE DYE 1ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30022 CELLBRITE ORANGE CYTOPLASMIC MEMBRANE DYE 1ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30023 CellBriteTM Red Cytoplasmic Membrane Dye 1ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30024 CellBriteTM Blue Cytoplasmic Membrane-Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2548 Biotium 30025-1 Resazurin Cell Viability Assay Kit (2500 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1652 Biotium 30025-2 Resazurin Cell Viability Assay Kit (10,000 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3934 Biotium 30026 Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit (1000 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3164 Biotium 30027 Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay kit for Bacteria Live and Dead Cells 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3864 Biotium 30028-1 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (12 ml) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C1134 Biotium 30028-2 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (100 ml) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C7056 Biotium 30028-3 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (10x100 ml) 1KIT-30C to -2C -70C38962 Biotium 30028-L1 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (Lyophilized) 120TST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1134 Biotium 30028-L2 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (Lyophilized) 1000TST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 7056 Biotium 30028-L3 Steady-Luc Firefly HTS Assay Kit (Lyophilized) 10000TST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 38962 Biotium 31042-T Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix with ROX (100 reactions) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 812 Biotium 30029 NUCVIEW 488 CASPASE 3 ASSAY KIT 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4774 Biotium 31061-T AccuBlue NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Solution, Trial Size (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 812 Biotium 30030 Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 caspase-3 substrate and Texas Red-Annexin V (50 - 250 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 4774 Biotium 30037 DiO/DPA membrane potential detection kit 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2870 Biotium 30050 ViaFluor CFSE Cell Proliferation Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 30060 CF488A and 7-AAD Apoptosis Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2940 Biotium 30061 CF488A and PI Apoptosis Assay Kit 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2940 Biotium 30062 NucView 488 and MitoView 633 Apoptosis Assay Kit (100 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4774 Biotium 30063 CF488A TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5880 Biotium 30064 CF594 TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5880 Biotium 30065 Apoptosis and Necrosis Quantitation Kit Plus (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2422 Biotium 30066 Apoptotic, Necrotic & Healthy Cells Quantitation Kit Plus (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2422 Biotium 30067 Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and CF594 Annexin V (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 4774 Biotium 30068 ViaFluor™ 405-SE Cell Proliferation Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 30068-T ViaFluor® 405 SE Cell Proliferation Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30070 CellBrite™ NIR680 Cytoplasmic Membrane Dye, 2 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30071 AccuOrange™ Protein Quantitation Kit, 2000 assays 1KIT15C to 30C15C to 30C 3010 Biotium 31043-T Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe Master Mix (100 reactions) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30072 NucView 488 and RedDot 2 Apoptosis & Necrosis Kit (100 assays) 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4186 Biotium 30073 Dual Apoptosis Assay with NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate and CF640R-Annexin V (50 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C 2C to 8C 4774 Biotium 30074 CF640R TUNEL Assay Apoptosis Detection Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5880 Biotium 30075-1 Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit (Lyophilized) 150TST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 30075-2 Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit (Lyophilized) 1000TST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 30077 CellBrite NIR750 Cytoplasmic Membrane Dye, 2 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30078 CellBrite NIR770 Cytoplasmic Membrane Dye, 2 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30079 CellBrite NIR790 Cytoplasmic Membrane Dye, 2 mM in DMSO 100uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 30080停产 ViaFluor™ 568 Cell Proliferation Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 30081-1 Firefly & Renilla Luciferase Single Tube Assay Kit 150AS2C to 8C -70C2450 Biotium 30081-2 Firefly & Renilla Luciferase Single Tube Assay Kit 1000AS2C to 8C -70C11760 Biotium 31044-T Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe Master Mixwith ROX (100 reactions) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30082-1 Renilla Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 150AS2C to 8C -70C1540 Biotium 30082-2 Renilla Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 1000AS2C to 8C -70C6846 Biotium 31045-T Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX) (100 reactions) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30085-1 Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 150AS2C to 8C -70C952 Biotium 30085-2 Firefly Luciferase Assay Kit 2.0 1000AS2C to 8C -70C5152 Biotium 31046-T Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (High ROX) (100 reactions) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30086 ViaFluor® 488 SE Cell Proliferation Kit 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3920 Biotium 30088 CellBrite Fix 555 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 6650 Biotium 31068-T AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution (100 assays) 100kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C840 Biotium 30089 CellBrite Fix 640 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 6650 Biotium 32010-T Live-or-Dye NucFix Red Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 840 Biotium 30090 CellBrite™ Fix 488 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 7700 Biotium 40081-T NucSpot Live 488, 1000X in DMSO 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 840 Biotium 30100 Griess Reagent Kit 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 31000 EvaGreen, 20X in water: (5x1mL) 5x1ML15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 40082-T NucSpot Live 650 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 840 Biotium 31003 Fast EvaGreen Master Mix for qPCR(200 rxn) 2x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 31003-1 Fast EvaGreen Master Mix for qPCR (500 rxn) 5x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4242 Biotium 31003-2 Fast EvaGreen Master Mix for qPCR (5000 rxn) 50x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 38584 Biotium 70065-T LipidSpot 488 Lipid Droplet Stain 20uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 840 Biotium 31005 Fast Probe Master Mix (200 rxn) 2x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 31005-1 Fast Probe Master Mix (500 rxn) 5x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 31005-2 Fast Probe Master Mix (5000 rxn) 50x1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 48090 Biotium 10402-T NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1mM in DMSO 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 882 Biotium 31006 AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 31006C AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Standards, set of eight, 0.5 mL each 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1106 Biotium 10403-T NucView 488 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1mM in 1X PBS, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31007 AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 31007C AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Standards, set of nine, 0.5 mL each 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C1106 Biotium 10405-T NucView 405 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in DMSO, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 882 Biotium 31008 AccuBlue High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 10406-T NucView 530 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in DMSO, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 882 Biotium 31009 AccuBlue Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 10407-T NucView 405 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in 1X PBS, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31014 Fast Plus EvaGreen® Master Mix for qPCR with Rox (200 rxn) 2x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2240 Biotium 31014-1 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with low Rox (500 rxn) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4886 Biotium 31014-2 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with low Rox (5000 rxn) 50x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 44380 Biotium 10408-T NucView 530 Caspase-3 Substrate, 1 mM in 1X PBS, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31015 Fast Plus EvaGreen® Master Mix for qPCR with High Rox (200 rxn) 2x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2240 Biotium 31015-1 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with high Rox (500 rxn) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4886 Biotium 31015-2 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with high Rox (5000 rxn) 50x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 44380 Biotium 31028-T AccuClear Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with DNA Standard, trial size (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 882 Biotium 31016 Fast Probe Master Mix with Rox (200 rxn) 2x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 31016-1 Fast Probe Master Mix with Rox (500 rxn) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 31016-2 Fast Probe Master Mix with Rox (5000 rxn) 50x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 48090 Biotium 32002-T Live-or-Dye UV/448 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31019 EvaGreen, 2000X in DMSO 50uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 31020 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (200 rxn) 2x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2240 Biotium 31020-1 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (500 rxn) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4886 Biotium 31020-2 Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (5000 rxn) 50x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 44380 Biotium 32003-T Live-or-Dye 405/452 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31022 Ready-to-Use 1 KB DNA Ladder 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 994 Biotium 31027 AccuClear Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution (1000 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 32004-T Live-or-Dye 488/515 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31028 AccuClear Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit with 8 DNA Standards (1000 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 32005-T Live-or-Dye 568/583 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31029 AccuClear Ultra High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Assay kit with 1 DNA Standard (2000 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5446 Biotium 31030-250 DNA Gel Extraction Kit - 250 Columns 1kit15C to 30C15C to 30C 6244 Biotium 31030-50 DNA Gel Extraction Kit - 50 Columns 1kit15C to 30C15C to 30C 1330 Biotium 31032 Ready-to-Use 100 BP DNA Ladder 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 994 Biotium 31033 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Salmonella enterica (invA) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31033-X PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Salmonella enterica (invA) PMAxx 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31034 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Mycobacterium tuberculosis (groEL2) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31035 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Staphylococcus aureus (nuc) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31036 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Staphylococcus aureus (mecA) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31037 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - E. coli O157:H7 (Z3276) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31037-X PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - E. coli O157:H7 (Z3276) PMAxx 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31038 PMA Enhancer for Gram Negative Bacteria, 5X Solution 16ml15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1036 Biotium 31039 1 kb DNA Ladder in TE buffer 300uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1162 Biotium 31040 100 bp DNA Ladder in TE buffer 300uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1162 Biotium 31041-1 Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (500 reactions) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 32006-T Live-or-Dye 594/614 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31041-20mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (2000 reactions) 2x10mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 31042-1 Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix with ROX (500 reactions) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 32007-T Live-or-Dye 640/662 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31042-20mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix with ROX (200 reactions) 2x10mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 31043-1 Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe Master Mix (500 reactions) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3640 Biotium 32008-T Live-or-Dye 750/777 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31044-1 Forget-Me-Not Universal Probe Master Mix with ROX (500 reactions) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3640 Biotium 32009-T Live-or-Dye 405/545 Fixable Viability Staining Kit, Trial Size (50 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 31003-T Fast EvaGreen Master Mix for qPCR, trial size (100 rxn) 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 924 Biotium 31045-5mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX) (500 reactions) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 31045-20mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (Low ROX) (2000 reactions) 1X10mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 40061-T RedDot 2, 200X in DMSO 25uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 952 Biotium 31046-5mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (High ROX) (500 reactions) 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 31046-20mL Forget-Me-Not qPCR Master Mix (High ROX) (2000 reactions) 1X10mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5600 Biotium 31050 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - E. coli (uidA) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31050-X PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - E. coli (uidA) PMAxx 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31051 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Listeria monocytogenes (hly) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31051-X PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Listeria monocytogenes (hly) PMAxx 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31053 PMA Real-Time PCR Bacterial Viability Kit - Legionella pneumophila (mip) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 31060 AccuBlue NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit (1000 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5152 Biotium 31069-T AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (100 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 966 Biotium 31061 AccuBlue NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Solution (1000 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3388 Biotium 30001-T JC-1 Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Detection Kit (25 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 980 Biotium 31062 Yeast Vitality Staining Kit (Calcofluor White and ViaVac Red/Green) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 31063-1 Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Green/Red) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5320 Biotium 31063-2 Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Red/Blue) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5320 Biotium 31063-3 Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Far-Red/Red) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5320 Biotium 31064 Yeast Live-or-Dye Fixable Live/Dead Staining Kit (TO and Live-or-Dye 568/583) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4900 Biotium 31065 RNase-free Calf Thymus DNA, 1 mg/mL: (1mL) 1tube15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 31065-5mL RNase-Free Calf Thymus DNA, 1 mg/mL (5x1mL) 5tubes15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5320 Biotium 31066 AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit (500 assays) 500kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2940 Biotium 00034-T phalloidin, CF405M 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 31068 AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Solution (500 assays) 500kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C1960 Biotium 00040-T phalloidin, CF555 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 31069 AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Kit (500 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2254 Biotium 00041-T phalloidin, CF647 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 31070 AccuGreen™ Broad Range dsDNA Quantitation Solution (500 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1806 Biotium 00042-T phalloidin, CF488A 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32000 Live Bacterial Gram Stain Kit - 800 assays 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4410 Biotium 32000-1 Live Bacterial Gram Stain Kit - 200 assays 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 32001 Bacterial Viability and Gram Stain Kit - 200 assays 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 32002 Live-or-Dye UV/448 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00043-T phalloidin, CF543 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32003 Live-or-Dye 405/452 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00044-T phalloidin, CF568 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32004 Live-or-Dye 488/515 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00045-T phalloidin, CF594 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32005 Live-or-Dye 568/583 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00046-T phalloidin, CF633 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32006 Live-or-Dye 594/614 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00047-T phalloidin, CF660R 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32007 Live-or-Dye 640/662 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00048-T phalloidin, CF680R 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32008 Live-or-Dye 750/777 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00049-T phalloidin, CF350 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32009 Live-or-Dye 405/545 Fixable Viability Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 00050-T phalloidin, CF640R 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 32010 Live-or-Dye NucFix Red Staining Kit (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 00051-T Phalloidin, CF532 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 33000 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF488A Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33001 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF488A Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33002 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF488A Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33003 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF543 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33004 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF543 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33005 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF543 Tyramide (Kit) 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33006 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF568 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33007 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF568 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33008 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF568 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33009 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF594 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33010 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF594 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33011 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF594 Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33012 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF640R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33013 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF640R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33014 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF640R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33015 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and CF680R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33016 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and CF680R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33017 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and CF680R Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33018 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-mouse and biotin-XX Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33019 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Goat anti-Rabbit and biotin-XX Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 33020 Tyramide Amplification Kit with HRP Streptavidin and biotin-XX Tyramide 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6300 Biotium 00052-T Phalloidin, CF660C 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1050 Biotium 33021-1 GloMelt™ Thermal Shift Protein Stability kit 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5880 Biotium 31066-T AccuGreen High Sensitivity dsDNA Quantitation Kit (100 assays) 100kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1050 Biotium 33022-1 GloMelt™ Thermal Shift Protein Stability kit 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6160 Biotium 40001 5-Tetramethylrhodamine-dUTP, 1mM in pH=7.5 Tris-HCl buffer 25uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 40002 CF543-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 31014-T Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with low Rox (100 rxn): (1mL) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1064 Biotium 40003 CF680R-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4998 Biotium 31015-T Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix with High Rox (100 rxn): (1mL) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1064 Biotium 40004 CF405S-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 31020-T Fast Plus EvaGreen® qPCR Master Mix (trial size, 100 rxn) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1064 Biotium 40005 CF568-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 70062-T ViaFluor 488 Live Cell Microtubule Stain, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1120 Biotium 40006 CF594-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 70063-T ViaFluor 647 Live Cell Microtubule Stain, Trial Size 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1120 Biotium 40007 CF640R-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 70064-T ViaFluor 405 Live Cell Microtubule Stain 10uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1120 Biotium 40008 CF488A-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 00054-T phalloidin, CF430 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1134 Biotium 40009 DAPI, dilactate (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, dilactate) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1134 Biotium 40010 Ethidium homodimer I 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2422 Biotium 40011 DAPI 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1064 Biotium 40012 DMAO, 2mM in DMSO 1ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 3094 Biotium 40013 PMA 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1848 Biotium 40014 Ethidium homodimer i, 2mm dmso solution 0.5ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2604 Biotium 40015 Ethidium monoazide bromide (ema) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2114 Biotium 40016 Propidium iodide 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 980 Biotium 40017 Propidium iodide, 1.0mg/1mL solution in water 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 588 Biotium 40019 PMA, 20mm in h2o 100µL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 40020 5-Aminoallyl-dUTP, sodium salt, 10mM in TE buffer (5-(3-aminoallyl)-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, trisodium salt; AA-dUTP) 100µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1862 Biotium 40020-1 5-Aminoallyl-dUTP, sodium salt, lyophilized powder (5-(3-aminoallyl)-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, trisodium salt; AA-dUTP) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 40021 5-Aminoallyl-UTP, sodium salt, 10mM in TE buffer (5-(3-aminoallyl)uridine-5'-triphosphate, trisodium salt; AA-UTP) 100µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1862 Biotium 40021-1 5-Aminoallyl-UTP, sodium salt, lyophilized powder (5-(3-aminoallyl)uridine-5'-triphosphate, trisodium salt; AA-UTP) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 40022 Biotin-16-dUTP, 1mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-16-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 50µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40022-1 Biotin-16-dUTP, lyophilized powder (Biotin-16-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt 50µG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40023 Biotin-16-UTP, 10mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-16-uridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40024 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) 100MG2C to 8C 2C to 8C 742 Biotium 40025 5-Bromo-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, 10mM in TE buffer (5-Bromo-dUTP) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 40026 5-Bromouridine-5'-triphosphate, 10mM in TE buffer (BrUTP) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 40027 CF555-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 00055-T phalloidin, CF440 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1134 Biotium 40028 CF647-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 31005-T Fast Probe Master Mix, trial size (100 rxn) 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1162 Biotium 40029 Biotin-11-dUTP, 1mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-11-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 50µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40029-1 Biotin-11-dUTP, lyophilized powder (Biotin-11-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt 50µG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40030 Biotin-20-dUTP, 1mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-20-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 50µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3556 Biotium 40030-1 Biotin-20-dUTP, lyophilized powder (Biotin-20-2'-deoxyuridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 50µG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3556 Biotium 40031 CF555-ddCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4858 Biotium 40032 CF640R-UTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 40033 Biotin-11-UTP, 10mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-11-uridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 40034 Biotin-20-UTP, 10mM in pH 7.5 Tris-HCl buffer (Biotin-20-uridine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3556 Biotium 40035 Biotin-11-CTP, 10 mM in pH7.5 TE buffer (biotin-11-cytidine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 25µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 40036 Biotin-11-dCTP, 1mM in pH 7.5 TE buffer (biotin-11-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-triphosphate, tetralithium salt) 50µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 40037 7-AAD (7-aminoactinomycin D) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 40038 Actinomycin D 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 40039 Acridine Orange, 10mg/mL in water 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 658 Biotium 40040 DODC (DiOC2(5)) (high purity) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 812 Biotium 40041 DiSC2(5) (3,3'-diethylthiadicarbocyanine, iodide) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 812 Biotium 40042 Ethidium bromide (EB), 10mg/mL in H2O 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 742 Biotium 40043 DAPI, 10mg/mL in H2O 1ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1064 Biotium 40044 Hoechst 33258, 10mg/mL in H2O 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2100 Biotium 40045 Hoechst 33258 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2002 Biotium 40046 Hoechst 33342, 10mg/mL in H2O 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2296 Biotium 40047 Hoechst 33342 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 40048 Propidium Iodide Buffer 2ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 854 Biotium 40050 Ethidium homodimer III 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3388 Biotium 40051 Ethidium homodimer III, 1mM in DMSO 200µL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3304 Biotium 40052 dNTP Set, 100mM each 4x250uL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 40053 dNTP Mix, 25mM each 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 40054 dNTP Mix, 10mM each 5x1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 40055 CF568-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 31016-T Fast Probe Master Mix with Rox, trial size (100 rxn) 1mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1162 Biotium 40056 CF594-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 31060-T AccuBlue NextGen dsDNA Quantitation Kit, Trial Size (200 assays) 1kit15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1176 Biotium 40057 CF532-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 00053-T phalloidin, CF680 50U15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 40058 CF543-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 40002-T CF543 dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40059 DEAC-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 40060 RedDot 1, 200X in water 250uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2506 Biotium 40060-1 RedDot 1, 200X in water 1mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4928 Biotium 40003-T CF680R dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40061 RedDot 2, 200X in DMSO 250uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3682 Biotium 40061-1 RedDot 2, 200X in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 6034 Biotium 40004-T CF405S dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40063 Fluorescein-12-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 40064 Cyanine 555-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 40065 Cyanine 647-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 40066 CF640R-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 40005-T CF568 dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40067 CF488A-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 40006-T CF594 dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40068 CF660R-dCTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 40007-T CF640R dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40069 PMAxx, 20mM in H2O 100µL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 40072 EB succinimidyl ester 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 40073 TO succinimidyl ester 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 40074 AO succinimidyl ester 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 40075 MB succinimidyl ester 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 40077 Thiazole Orange, 10mM in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1190 Biotium 40078 Digoxigenin-dUTP, alkali stable 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 40079 Thiazole Orange Homodimer, 1 mM in DMSO 200uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4900 Biotium 40080 Thiazole Red Homodimer, 1mM in DMSO 200uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3850 Biotium 40081 NucSpot Live 488, 1000X in DMSO 50uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3850 Biotium 40008-T CF488A dUTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40082 NucSpot Live 650 50uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3850 Biotium 40027-T CF555 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40083 NucSpot 470, 1000X in DMSO 200uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4060 Biotium 40028-T CF647 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40086-0.5mL Thiazole Green, 10,000X in DMSO 0.5mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1792 Biotium 40086-1mL Thiazole Green, 10,000X in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3080 Biotium 40087 Thiazole Red, 1mM in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 40088 TO iodide (515/531), 1mM in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3290 Biotium 40089 Oxazole Yellow, 1mM in DMSO 1mL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3710 Biotium 40055-T CF568 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 40100 CF®405M-dUTP, lyophilized powder 25nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4704 Biotium 41001 GelRed Nucleic Acid Stain, 3X in water 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 3010 Biotium 41002 GelRed nucleic acid gel stain 10.000x in dmso 0.5ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 41003 GelRedtm nucleic acid gel stain, 10,000x 0.5ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1540 Biotium 41004 GelGreen nucleic acid gel stain 10,000x in dmso 0.5ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1330 Biotium 41005 GelGreen nucleic acid stain, 10,000x in water 0.5ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 41006 TBE Buffer, 5X 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 770 Biotium 41008-500uL PAGE GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 10,000X in water 0.5mL15C to 30C15C to 30C 1330 Biotium 41009 6X GelRed Prestain Buffer with Blue Tracking Dyes 1mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1064 Biotium 41010 6X GelRed Prestain Buffer with Orange Tracking Dye 1mL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1064 Biotium 41013 PAGE GelGreen Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 1X in water 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 1764 Biotium 41014 PAGE GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 1X in water 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 1918 Biotium 41020 DNAzure Blue Nucleic Acid Gel Stain, 100X 10mL2C to 8C 15C to 30C 1680 Biotium 41024-4L Water, Ultrapure Molecular Biology Grade 4L15C to 30C15C to 30C 924 Biotium 50000 BAPTA, AM ester 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 50000-1 BAPTA, AM ester: (20x1mg) 20MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 50001 BAPTA, tetracesium salt: (1g) 1G2C to 8C 2C to 8C 2646 Biotium 50002 BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt: (1g) 1G2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1764 Biotium 50003 BAPTA, tetrasodium salt: (1g) 1G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1764 Biotium 50004 5,5'-dibromo BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 50005 5,5'-difluoro BAPTA, AM ester: (25mg) 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 50006 5,5'-difluoro BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 50007 5,5'-dimethyl BAPTA, AM ester: (25mg) 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 50008 5,5'-dimethyl BAPTA, tetrapotassium salt: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1036 Biotium 50010 fluo-3, pentaammonium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50011 fluo-3, pentapotassium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50012 fluo-3, pentasodium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50013 Fluo-3, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 50014 fluo-3, am ester 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2156 Biotium 50015 fluo-3, am ester, 1mm in anhydrous dmso 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 50016 Fluo-3, AM ester: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 50018 fluo-4, am ester, 50ug 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 50019 fluo-4, pentapotassium salt 0.5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2030 Biotium 50020 rhod-2, triammonium salt 1MG2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50021 rhod-2, tripotassium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50022 rhod-2, trisodium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50023 Rhod-2, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 50024 rhod-2, am ester 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 50025 rhod-590 am ester, 50ug 50uG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 50026 rhod-590, tripotassium salt 500uG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2940 Biotium 50027 Probenecid, sodium salt *water soluble*: (10x77mg) 10MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 2352 Biotium 50029 fura-2, am ester, 1mm in anhydrous dmso 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2030 Biotium 50030 fura-2, pentaammonium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 50031 fura-2, pentapotassium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 50032 fura-2, pentasodium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 50033 Fura-2, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2058 Biotium 50033-1 Fura-2, AM ester: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 50034 fura-2, am ester 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 50035 Mag-Fura-2, tetrapotassium salt: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50036 Mag-Fura-2, tetrasodium salt: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1918 Biotium 50037 Mag-Fura-2, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 50038 Mag-Fura-2, AM ester: (1mg) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 50039 Mag-Fura-2, AM ester: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 50040 indo-1, pentaammonium salt 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 50041 indo-1, pentapotassium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1470 Biotium 50042 indo-1, pentasodium salt 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1470 Biotium 50043 Indo-1, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2058 Biotium 50043-1 Indo-1, AM ester: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 50044 indo-1, am ester 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1694 Biotium 50045 bis-fura-2, hexapotassium salt 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 50050 dmnp-edta (caged calcium) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 51009 bcecf, am ester 1mg/ml in dry dmso 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 51010 bcecf acid 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 924 Biotium 51011 BCECF, AM ester: (10x100ug) 10ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1246 Biotium 51011-1 BCECF, AM ester: (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1918 Biotium 51012 bcecf, am ester 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 51013 5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 644 Biotium 51014 5(6)-CFDA: (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 51015 5-(&6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein:200mg 200MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1330 Biotium 51016 5-(&6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1456 Biotium 51017 5-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein (single isomer):100mg 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1330 Biotium 51018 5-CFDA (single isomer): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1400 Biotium 51019 5-fam (5-carboxyfluorescein) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1106 Biotium 51020 6-fam (6-carboxyfluorescein) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 51021 6-CFDA (6-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, single isomer): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 51022 FLUBIDA-2 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2744 Biotium 51023 5-Carboxy-2',7'-dichlorosulfonefluorescein:(10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 51024 FLUBI-2 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2268 Biotium 52010 SPQ 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 644 Biotium 52011 MQAE 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1232 Biotium 5AOA体育 Zinquin ethyl ester 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 52022 Zinquin free acid 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 59000 Pluronic F-127: (1g) 1G15C to 30C15C to 30C 252 Biotium 59001 A-23187 Free Acid: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 644 Biotium 59002 EDC: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 966 Biotium 59003 TPEN: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1400 Biotium 59004 Pluronic f-127 20% solution in dmso 1ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 210 Biotium 59005 Pluronic F-127, 10% in water: (30mL) 30ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 658 Biotium 59006 4-Bromo A-23187, free acid 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1974 Biotium 59007 Ionomycin, calcium salt: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1946 Biotium 59100 Calcium calibration buffer 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2114 Biotium 60010 DII (or diic18(3)) 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1302 Biotium 60011 DIO (or dioc18(3)) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1302 Biotium 60012 DiOC14(3), hydroxyethanesulfonate: (50mg) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1302 Biotium 60013 DiA: (50mg) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2030 Biotium 60014 DiD (or DiIC18(5)): (50mg) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1400 Biotium 60015 Neuro-dio 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2450 Biotium 60016 Neuro-dii 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1778 Biotium 60017 DiR (or DiIC18(7)): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 60018 DiI in vegetable oil: (0.5mL) 0.5ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 1946 Biotium 60019 Neuro-dio in vegetable oil 0.2ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 2632 Biotium 60020 Neuro-DiI in vegetable oil 0.2ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 2632 Biotium 60021 1,6-Dipheny-1,3,5-hexatriene 100MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 658 Biotium 60022 Biotin-DHPE: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 60023 Biotin-X-DHPE: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 60024 Fluorescein-DHPE: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 60025 NBD-DHPE( also known as NBD-PE): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 60026 Rhodamine-DHPE: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 60027 Texas Red-DHPE: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 60028 TRITC-DHPE: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 60029 Nile Red 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 952 Biotium 60030 NBD C6-ceramide: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 60031 NBD C6-sphingomyelin: (1mg) 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 60032 biotin-AM3-25 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 60033 Octadecyl rhodamine B 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2912 Biotium 60034 Dilinoleyl DiI (Fast DiI, or 1,1'-dilinoleyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 60035 Dilinoleyl DiO (FAST DiO, or 1,1'-dilinoleyl-3,3'-oxacarbocyanine perchlorate): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 60036 DiB 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 60037 DPA 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 60038 DiOC16(3) 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3248 Biotium 61010 DI-4-ANEPPS 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 61011 DiBAC4(3): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 61012 DI-8-ANEPPS 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3010 Biotium 61013 Di-2-ANEPEQ 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3318 Biotium 61014 Di-8-ANEPPQ 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3318 Biotium 61015 Di-12-ANEPPQ 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3472 Biotium 61016 RH414 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 61017 RH421 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 61018 RH237 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1848 Biotium 61019 RH795 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2702 Biotium 70005 TMRE, 2 mM solution in DMSO 0.5ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 70006 4-(4-(Dimethylamino)-styryl)-N-methylpyridinium iodide (4-Di-1-ASP) 500MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1092 Biotium 70007 DiOC5(3) (3,3’-Dipentyloxacarbocyanine, iodide): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 70008 DiOC2(3) (3,3’-Diethyloxacarbocyanine, iodide): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 70009 DiOC6(3): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1848 Biotium 70010 Rhodamine 123 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1134 Biotium 70011 JC-1 (chloride salt) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2282 Biotium 70012 Nonyl acridine orange (or nao) 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1106 Biotium 70013 Tetrabromorhodamine 123, bromide 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1176 Biotium 70014 JC-1 (iodide salt) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2282 Biotium 70015 DiIC1(5) (1,1'-dimethyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindodicarbocyanine, iodide): (100mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 70016 TMRE: (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1176 Biotium 70017 TMRM: (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1176 Biotium 70018 DASPEI: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 588 Biotium 70019 SynaptoRed C2M, special packaging (also known as FM5-95): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4424 Biotium 70020 SynaptoGreenTM C4 (also known as FM1-43, a trademark of Molecular Probes, Inc.): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3738 Biotium 70021 SynaptoRed C2 (also known as FM4-64): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3738 Biotium 70022 SynaptoGreen C4 (also known as FM1-43) (special packaging): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4424 Biotium 70023 SynaptoGreen C3: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2884 Biotium 70024 AM1-43 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2702 Biotium 70025 AM4-64 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2702 Biotium 70026 SynaptoGreen™ C3 (special packaging): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3402 Biotium 70027 SynaptoRed C2 (also known as FM4-64): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4424 Biotium 70028 SynaptoRed C2M (also known as FM5-95): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3738 Biotium 70029 ADVASEP-7 250MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2856 Biotium 70030 Nerve Terminal Staining Kit I (component A: 5x1mg SynaptoGreen C4 (70022); component B: 1x250mg ADVASEP-7 (70029)) 1SET15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5950 Biotium 70031 Nerve Terminal Staining Kit II (component A: 1x1mg AM1-43 (#70024); component B: 1x100mg ADVASEP-7 (#70029)) 1SET15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3164 Biotium 70031-1 Nerve Terminal Staining Kit II (component A: 1x1mg AM1-43 (#70024); component B: 1x100mg SCAS (#70037)) 1SET15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3892 Biotium 70032 Nerve Terminal Staining Kit III (component A: 5x1mg SynaptoGreen C4 (#70022); component B: 1x100mg Sulforhodamine 101 (#80101-100mg) 1SET15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5026 Biotium 70034 Nerve Terminal Staining Kit V 1SET15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5950 Biotium 70036 AM2-10 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2702 Biotium 70037 SCAS: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 70038 AM1-44 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2982 Biotium 70039 AM4-65 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3150 Biotium 70040 SynaptoRed C1: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2884 Biotium 70041 SynaptoRed C1: (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3402 Biotium 70042 SynaptoGreenTM C1: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2884 Biotium 70043 SynaptoGreen C1(special packaging): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3402 Biotium 70044 SynaptoGreen C2 (also known asl FM2-10): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2884 Biotium 70045 SynaptoGreen C2 (also known as FM2-10)(special packaging): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3402 Biotium 70046 SynaptoGreen C5: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2884 Biotium 70047 SynaptoGreen C5 (special packaging): (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3402 Biotium 70048 SynaptoGreen C18 (also known as FM3-25): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4424 Biotium 70049 SynaptoGreen C18 (also known as FM3-25)(special packaging) : (5x1mg) 5ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5096 Biotium 70050 AM4-66 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3150 Biotium 70051 AM3-25 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 3584 Biotium 70052停产 MitoView Blue 20X50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 40056-T CF594 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70053 HM 1-43 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3248 Biotium 70054 MitoView Green 20X50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 40057-T CF532 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70055 MitoView 633 20X50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 40058-T CF543 dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70056 SGC3 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2422 Biotium 70057 SGC5 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2422 Biotium 70058 LysoView 633: (1 set) 1set15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 40066-T CF640R dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70059 Lysoview 650, 1,000x in dmso 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 40067-T CF488A dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70060 Light-On LysoView 555 (50 uL) 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 40068-T CF660R dCTP, Lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70061 LysoView 540, 1000X in DMSO 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1960 Biotium 40100-T CF®405M-dUTP, lyophilized powder 5nmol2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 70062 ViaFluor 488 Live Cell Microtubule Stain 50uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4900 Biotium 30029-T NUCVIEW 488 CASPASE 3 ASSAY KIT, TRIAL SIZE 1ST15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1288 Biotium 70063 ViaFluor 647 Live Cell Microtubule Stain 50uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4900 Biotium 30081-T Firefly & Renilla Luciferase Single Tube Assay Kit 50AS2C to 8C -70C1330 Biotium 70064 ViaFluor 405 Live Cell Microtubule Stain, Trial Size 50uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4900 Biotium 92400-T Mix-n-Stain™ CF®680T Total Protein Prestain Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92401-T Mix-n-Stain™ CF®770T Total Protein Prestain Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 70065 LipidSpot 488 Lipid Droplet Stain 125uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4550 Biotium 70066 LysoView™ 405, 1000X in DMSO 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1960 Biotium 30002-T Viability/Cytotoxity Assay Kit for Animal Live & Dead Cell (150 assays) 1KIT2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1526 Biotium 70067 LysoView™ 488, 1000X in DMSO 50uL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1960 Biotium 30088-T CellBrite Fix 555, Trial Size 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1890 Biotium 70068 MitoView™ 720, 1000X in DMSO 20X50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2660 Biotium 30089-T CellBrite Fix 640, Trial Size 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1890 Biotium 70069 LipidSpot 610 Lipid Droplet Stain 20uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 840 Biotium 30090-T CellBrite™ Fix 488, Trial Size 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2240 Biotium 70070 MitoView™ 405 20X50UG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 33021-T GloMelt™ Thermal Shift Protein Stability kit 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2520 Biotium 80011 Calcein am 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 80011-1 Calcein am, 4mm in anhydrous dmso 100µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 80011-2 Calcein am, 1mg/ml in anhydrous dmso 1ML2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 80011-3 Calcein AM, (20x50ug) 20ST2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 80012 DPX 500MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 812 Biotium 80013 calcein (high purity) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 882 Biotium 80014 Hydroxystilbamidine (Fluoro-Gold): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2394 Biotium 80015 lucifer yellow ch lithium salt 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 966 Biotium 80016 lucifer yellow ch potassium salt 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 966 Biotium 80017 Lucifer Yellow Cadaverine Biotin-X, dipotassium salt: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1792 Biotium 80018 lucifer yellow cadaverine 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1246 Biotium 80019 fluorescein biotin 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1526 Biotium 80021 RuBPS: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 80022 biotin-rhodamine 110 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4214 Biotium 80023 Hydroxystilbamidine (also called FluoroGold), 4% in water: (200uL) 200µL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1988 Biotium 80024 RuBP-2S 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2380 Biotium 80025 RuBP-4S: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2380 Biotium 80026 Lucifer Yellow CH Lithium Salt, 100 mM in water 100uL15C to 30C15C to 30C 2436 Biotium 80027-50mL PathoGreen histofluorescent stain, 1000X in water 50mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5152 Biotium 80027-5mL PathoGreen histofluorescent stain, 1000X in water 5mL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80028 Congo Red "high purity grade" 100MG2C to 8C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 80029 Biotin-CF568 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2212 Biotium 80030 DCDAPH 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 80031 Biotin-CF633 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 80032 Biotin-CF640R 1MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2352 Biotium 80033 Thioflavin T "high purity grade" 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1050 Biotium 80100 Sulforhodamine b 5G15C to 30C15C to 30C 812 Biotium 80101 Sulforhodamine 101 500MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 2352 Biotium 80102 Sulforhodamine g 5G15C to 30C15C to 30C 1456 Biotium 80103 Rhodamine 110 (high purity) 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 490 Biotium 80104 DPA/Terbium for membrane fusion assay 1SET15C to 30C15C to 30C 952 Biotium 80105 SDIP/Europium for membrane fusion assay 1SET15C to 30C15C to 30C 1540 Biotium 80110 CF488A-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80111 CF543-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80112 CF555-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80113 CF568-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80114 CF594-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80115 CF640R-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80116 CF680R-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 80118 CF680-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80117 CF488A-Dextran 70,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1260 Biotium 80119 CF750-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80120 CF770-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80121 CF790-Dextran 10,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 80122 CF770-Dextran 40,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 80123 CF770-Dextran 70,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 80124 CF770-Dextran 150,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 80125 CF770-Dextran 250,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1470 Biotium 80126 CF488A-Dextran 40,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 80127 CF680-Dextran 40,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80128 CF750-Dextran 40,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80129 CF680-Dextran 70,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80130 CF750-Dextran 70,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80131 CF488A-Dextran 150,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 80132 CF680-Dextran 150,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80133 CF750-Dextran 150,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80134 CF488A-Dextran 250,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1260 Biotium 80135 CF680-Dextran 250,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80136 CF750-Dextran 250,000 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 80137 CF350-Dextran 3,500 MW, anionic and fixable 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 80500 CFQ520 succinimidyl ester 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2870 Biotium 80501 NFQ1 5MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 3682 Biotium 80502 CFQ520 maleimide 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 90000 5-(and-6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110, hydrochloride (5(6)-CR 110): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 90001 5-(and-6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110-X, hydrochloride (5(6)-CR 110-X):5mg 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 90002 5-(and-6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110-X, hydrochloride (5(6)-CR 110-X):5mg 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2100 Biotium 90003 5-(and-6)-Carboxyrhodamine 110-X, succinimidyl ester, hydrochloride (5(6)-CR 110-X, SE): (5mg) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 90004 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, triethylammonium salt, mixed isomers (5(6)-ROX):(25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 90005 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, succinimidyl ester, mixed isomers (5(6)-ROX, SE): (25mg) 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 90006 5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, triethylammonium salt, single isomer (5-ROX): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 90007 6-Carboxy-X-rhodamine, triethylammonium salt, single isomer (6-ROX): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 90008 6-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, single isomer (6-TAMRA):10mg 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 90009 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, single isomer (5-TAMRA): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1540 Biotium 90010 ANTS 500MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 812 Biotium 90011 6-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, hydrochloride, single isomer: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 90012 5-Carboxyrhodamine 6G, hydrochloride, single isomer: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 90013 6-rox, free acid 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 90014 5-CR110-X, SE 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6104 Biotium 90015 6-CR110-X, SE 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6104 Biotium 90016-10mg Cyanine 555 succinimidyl ester 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 13230 Biotium 90016-1mg Cyanine 555 succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 90017 (Alternate #90019) Tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate chloride, mixed isomer (5(6)-TRITC): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1764 Biotium 90018 Tetramethylrhodamine-5-isothiocyanate isomer G (5-TRITC, G isomer): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2058 Biotium 90019 Tetramethylrhodamine-6-isothiocyanate isomer R (6-TRITC, R isomer): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2058 Biotium 90020 FITC (5-isomer or isomer 1) 500MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1372 Biotium 90022 5(6)TAMRA SE: (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 90023 6-carboxyfluorescein, se (6-fam, se) 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90024 5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein, succinimidyl ester (5(6)-FAM SE): (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 90025-10mg Cyanine 647 succinimidyl ester 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 13230 Biotium 90025-1mg Cyanine 647 succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 90027 5-(and-6)-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine, mixed isomers (5(6)-TAMRA) (high purity): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1470 Biotium 90028 APTS (8-Aminopyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1624 Biotium 90029 5-carboxyfluorescein, se (5-fam, se) 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90030 5-carboxyrhodamine 110, se (5-cr110, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6104 Biotium 90031 6-carboxyrhodamine 110, se (6-cr110, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 6104 Biotium 90032 5-carboxyrhodamine 6g, se (5-cr 6g, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90033 6-carboxyrhodamine 6g, se (6-cr 6g, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90034 5-carboxytetramethylrhodamine, SE (5-TAMRA, SE): (5mg) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90035 6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine, SE (6-TAMRA, SE): (5mg) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90036 5-carboxy-x-rhodamine, se (5-rox, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90037 6-carboxy-x-rhodamine, se (6-rox, se) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90040 5-(and-6)-Carboxy-2',7'-dichlorofluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester: (25mg) 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 90041 5(6)-CFDA, SE (5-(and 6)-Carboxyfluorescein diacetate, succinimidyl ester): (25mg) 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 90044 6-(fluorescein-5-(and-6)-carboxamido) hexanoic acid, succinimidyl ester (5(6)-SFX), mixed isomers: (10mg) 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1386 Biotium 90045 NBD chloride (4-chloro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 686 Biotium 90046 NBD fluoride (4-fluoro-7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole):(25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2100 Biotium 90047 NBD-ethylenediamine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 90048-10mg Cyanine 680 succinimidyl ester 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 13230 Biotium 90048-1mg Cyanine 680 succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 90049-10mg Cyanine 750 succinimidyl ester 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 13230 Biotium 90049-1mg Cyanine 750 succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 90050 biotin, succinimidyl ester (biotin se) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 896 Biotium 90051 Biotin-X, SE (also known as Biotin-X NHS): (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1386 Biotium 90052 Biotin-XX, SE: (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2268 Biotium 90053 Biotin-X, free acid:100mg 100MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 966 Biotium 90054 Bioin-XX, free acid: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1946 Biotium 90055 Biocytin (epsilong-biotinoyl-L-lysine): (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C15C to 30C 1064 Biotium 90056 Biotin-X NTA (Biotin-X nitrilotriacetic acid, tripotassium salt): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1288 Biotium 90057 Biotin ethylenediamine hydrobromide (equivalent to Neurobiotin): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 90058 Biotin-X-C5-maleimide: (5mg) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90059 biotin ethylenediamine iodoacetamide 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1456 Biotium 90060 biocytin hydrazide 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1568 Biotium 90061 Biotin-X cadaverine, trifluoroacetate salt: (20mg) 20MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90062 biotin-4-fluorescein 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90063 biotin cadaverine, trifluoroacetate salt 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90064 MTSEA biotin 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 854 Biotium 90064-1 MTSEA biotin 50MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2548 Biotium 90065 MTSEA biotin-x 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1190 Biotium 90065-1 MTSEA biotin-x 50MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3402 Biotium 90066 MTSEA biotin-xx 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1526 Biotium 90066-1 MTSEA biotin-xx 50MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 4270 Biotium 90067 Biotin-peo3-amine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1288 Biotium 90068 Biotin-peo4-amine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1456 Biotium 90069 Biotin-PEO4-Propionate Succinimidyl ester: (5mg) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1456 Biotium 90070 CBQCA 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 90071 Biotin ethylenediamine (free base form) 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 966 Biotium 90072 D(+)-Biotin 1G15C to 30C-30C to -2C 518 Biotium 90073 ARP (N-(Aminooxyacetyl)-N'-(D-biotinoyl)hydrazine, trifluoroacetic acid salt): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2394 Biotium 90074 Biotin NTA (biotin nitrilotriacetic acid, tripotassium salt; also called BNTA): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1288 Biotium 90075 biotin ethylenediamine hcl 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 966 Biotium 90077 AMCA-X, SE 10MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 90078 Biotin-PEO2-PPO2-amine, trifluoroacetic acid salt:10mg 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90079 biotin cadaverine, free base form 50MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 90080 biotin-x cadaverine, free base form 20MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1946 Biotium 90081 5-CR110-PEO4-Propionate, SE:5mg 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 5404 Biotium 90082 DMSO, anhydrous 10ML15C to 30C15C to 30C 294 Biotium 90083 Biotin-12, SE: (50mg) 50MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 90084 5-carboxyrhodamine 110-PEO8-propionate, succinimidyl ester, single isomer (5-CR110-PEO8, SE) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90085 5-FAM-PEO8 SE (5-Carboxyfluorescein-PEO8 propionate succinimidyl ester) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90086 5-Carboxyrhodamine 110-PEO12-propionate, succinimidyl ester, single isomer (5-CR110-PEO12, SE) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90088 5-Carboxytetramethylrhodamine-PEO12-propionate succinimidyl ester (5-TAMRA-PEO12 SE) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90089 5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine-PEO8-propionate, succinimidyl ester (5-ROX-PEO8 SE) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90090 5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine-PEO12-propionate, succinimidyl ester (5-ROX-PEO12 SE) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90091 Eosin-5-isothiocyanate 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 90092 fluorescamine 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 90093 5-FAM-PEO12 SE (5-Carboxyfluorescein-PEO12 propionate succinimidyl ester) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90095 5-SFX (6-(fluorescein-5-carboxamido)hexanoic acid, succinimidyl ester (single isomer):5mg 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 90096 6-SFX (6-(fluorescein-6-carboxamido)hexanoic acid, succinimidyl ester (single isomer):5mg 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 90097 6-TAMRA, SE in DMSO:100uL 100µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 90098 6-Rox, SE in DMSO:(100uL) 100µL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 90099 Sulforhodamine 101-PEO8-propionic acid succinimidyl ester (Texas Red-PEO8 SE): (1mg) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90100 Sulforhodamine 101-PEO12-propionic acid succinimidyl ester (SR101-PEO12 SE, or Texas Red-PEO12 SE):1mg 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90101 Sulforhodamine B-PEO8-propionic acid succinimidyl ester (SRB-PEO8 SE): (1mg) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90103 Aminooxy-5(6)-FAM 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 90104 Aminooxy-5(6)-ROX: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 90105 Aminooxy-5(6)-TAMRA 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 90106 5-CR110-PEO3-amine, TFA salt 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4522 Biotium 90107 5-TAMRA-PEO3-amine: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4060 Biotium 90108 5(6)-ROX cadaverine, TFA salt: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 90109 Sulforhodamine 101 cadaverine (Texas Red cadaverine) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1946 Biotium 90110 Sulforhodamine 101-PEO3-amine (Texas Red-PEO3-amine): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4060 Biotium 90111 Biotin-PEO4-hydrazide 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1834 Biotium 90112 Biotin-PEO4-maleimide 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1778 Biotium 90113 Aminooxy-biotin 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2422 Biotium 90115 2-Sulforhodamine 101 cadaverine, trifluoroacete salt 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 90116 4-Sulforhodamine 101 cadaverine, trifluoroacete salt 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 90117-1mg Cyanine 488NS succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 90118-1mg Cyanine 555NS succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 90119-1mg Cyanine 647NS succinimidyl ester 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 91010 CPM 25MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 91011 CPMTS 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1106 Biotium 91020 MTSES: (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91021 MTSET: (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91022 MTSEA: (100mg) 100MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91023 MTSEH: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 91024 MTSPA: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1302 Biotium 91025 MTSPS: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91026 MTSBS: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91027 MTSPT: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1008 Biotium 91028 fluorescein-5-maleimide 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2716 Biotium 91029 5(6)-CR110-C5-Maleimide: (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4634 Biotium 91030 MTS-tetramethylrhodamine (mts-tamra) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 91031 AEAETS:100mg 100MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1526 Biotium 91032 2-((4-Azido-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzoyl)amino)ethyl methanethiosulfonate: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 91033 MTS-amca 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 91035 MTS-CR110 (MTS-5-(and-6)-carboxyrhodamine 110, mixed isomers): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 91036 MTS-CR110-X (MTS-5-(and-6)-carboxyrhodamine 110-X, mixed isomers): (5mg) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2632 Biotium 91037 MTS-rox , mixed isomers 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2450 Biotium 91038 MTS-rhodamine 6g, mixed isomers 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2450 Biotium 91039 MTSEA-PC 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1274 Biotium 91042 3,6-dioxaoctane-1,8-diyl dimethanethiosulfonate:10mg 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1274 Biotium 91043 3,6,9-Trioxaundecane-1,11-diyl dimethanethiosulfonate: (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 91044 3,6,9,12-Tetraoxatetradecane-1,14-diyl dimethanethiosulfonate:10mg 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1218 Biotium 91045 BISEA 50MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1624 Biotium 91046 ABD-F 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 91048 MTS-sulforhodamine 101 (MTS-texas red) 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2450 Biotium 91049 TCEP 1G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 966 Biotium 91050 DTT 1G15C to 30C 2C to 8C 448 Biotium 91051 N-(6-Aminohexyl)maleimide, trifluoroacetic acid salt: (100mg) 100MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5404 Biotium 91052 MTS-6-Tetramethylrhodamine (MTS-6-TAMRA) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 994 Biotium 91053 MTS-5-Tetramethylrhodamine (MTS-5-TAMRA) 1MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 994 Biotium 91054 5(6)-Tetramethylrhodamine maleimide 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2100 Biotium 91055 5(6)-ROX maleimide 5MG2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2128 Biotium 91056 TMP-PEG3-amine, trifluoroacetic acid salt 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 91057 Aniline, 10X in acetate buffer 10ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 770 Biotium 91058 Fluorescein hexylamine 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2100 Biotium 92000 Fluorescein cadaverine (5-((5-aminopentyl) thioureidyl)fluorescein, trifluoroacetate salt): (25mg) 25MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 2268 Biotium 92001 Tetramethylrhodamine cadaverine (mixed isomer) (5-(and-6-)-((N-(5-aminopentyl)amino)carbonyl) tetramethylrhodamine): (10mg) 10MG15C to 30C 2C to 8C 1470 Biotium 92003 TMR Biocytin 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92004 CF488A Biocytin 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 92005 CF568 Biocytin 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 92006 CF594 Biocytin 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 92007 CF640R Biocytin 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4046 Biotium 92010 TS biotin ethylenediamine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2324 Biotium 92011 TS biotin-x ethylenediamine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2464 Biotium 92012 TS biotin-xx ethylenediamine 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2590 Biotium 92013 Eosin-5-maleimide 25MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3164 Biotium 92014 Sulforhodamine 101 C5-maleimide (Texas Red C5-maleimide) 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2912 Biotium 92015 N-(1,10-phenanthrolin-5-yl)iodoacetamide 5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1498 Biotium 92016 INA (5-iodonaphthyl-1-azide) 10MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2002 Biotium 9AOA体育 CF350 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92021 CF405M maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92022 CF488A maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92023 CF555 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92024 CF568 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92025 CF594 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92026 CF633 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92027 CF647 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92028 CF660C maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92029 CF680 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92030 CF405S maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92031 CF660R maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92032 CF680R maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92033 CF620R maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92034 CF640R maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3010 Biotium 92035 CF350 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92036 CF405S amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92037 CF488A amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92038 CF555 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92039 CF568 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92040 CF594 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92041 CF633 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92042 CF647 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92043 CF640R amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92044 CF543 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92045 CF532 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92046 CF405L maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92050 CF350, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92051 CF488A, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92052 CF594, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92053 CF633, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92054 CF680R, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 6328 Biotium 92055 CF405S, aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92056 CF405M aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92057 CF568 aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92058 CF640R aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92059 CF660R aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5740 Biotium 92065 CF770 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 92066 CF770 free acid 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 92070 CF680 free acid 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 92071 CF750 free acid 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3094 Biotium 92075 CF488A BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92076 CF568 BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92077 CF594 BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92078 CF640R BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92079 CF680R BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92080 CF488A azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92081 CF555 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92082 CF568 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92083 CF594 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92084 CF647 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92085 CF640R azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92086 CF488A alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92087 CF555 alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92088 CF568 alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92089 CF594 alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92090 CF647 alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92091 CF640R alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92092 CF405M azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92093 CF405M alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92094 CF660C azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92095 CF660C alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92096 MTS-CF640R 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92097 MTS-CF488A 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92098 MTS-CF543 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92099 MTS-CF594 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92100 Cyanine 555 alkyne 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92101 Cyanine 647 alkyne 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92102 CF750 amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3234 Biotium 92103 CF514 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92104 CF532 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92105 CF543 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92106 CF620R succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92107 CF680R succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92108 CF640R succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92109 CF350 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92110 CF405S succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92111 CF405M succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92112 CF405L succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92113 CF405S BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4564 Biotium 92114 CF405M BCN 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4564 Biotium 92117 CF430 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 92118 CF430 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3598 Biotium 92119 CF680 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 92120 CF 488A, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92123 CF440 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3388 Biotium 92124 CF440 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3598 Biotium 92127 CF800 succinimidyl ester 0,25UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92128 CF800 maleimide 0,25UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2576 Biotium 92130 CF555, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92131 CF568 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92132 CF594 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92133 CF 633 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92134 CF660R succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92135 CF647, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92136 CF647 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92137 CF660C, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3304 Biotium 92139 CF680, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92142 CF750, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92150 CF770, succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3528 Biotium 92151 CF350 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92152 CF488A hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92153 CF555 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92154 CF568 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92155 CF790 succinimidyl ester 0.25UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2058 Biotium 92156 CF633 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92157 CF640R hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92158 CF594 hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92159 CF790 free acid 0.25UMOL15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1764 Biotium 92160 VivoBrite Rapid Antibody Labeling Kit for Small Animal In Vivo Imaging, CF680 SE 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5810 Biotium 92161 VivoBrite Rapid Antibody Labeling Kit for Small Animal In Vivo Imaging, CF750 SE 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5810 Biotium 92162 VivoBrite Rapid Antibody Labeling Kit for Small Animal In Vivo Imaging, CF770 SE 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5810 Biotium 92163 VivoBrite Rapid Abtibody Labeling Kit for Small Animal In Vivo Imaging, CF790 SE 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 6034 Biotium 92164 CF555DI hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92165 CF647DI hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92166 CF488DI hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92167 Biotin azide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 92168 Biotin alkyne 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 952 Biotium 92169 Biotin BCN 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4480 Biotium 92170 CF350 Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92171 CF488A Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92172 CF543 Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92173 CF568 Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92174 CF594 Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92175 CF640R Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92176 Biotin-XX Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92177 CF488DI Aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92178 CF555DI Aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92179 CF647DI Aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92180 CF532 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92181 CF543 azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92182 CF660R azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 92183 CF405S hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2282 Biotium 92184 CF660DI Hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2352 Biotium 92185 CF680DI Hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2506 Biotium 92186 Biotin picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92187 CF488A picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92188 CF568 picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92189 CF594 picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92190 CF640R picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92191 CF647 picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92192 CF770 Hydrazide 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92194 CF620R Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92195 CF660R Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92196 CF680R Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 92197 CF405S Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92198 CF405L Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92199 CF514 Tyramide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 92208 CF532 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92209 CF543 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92210 CF350 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92211 CF405S Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92212 CF405M Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92213 CF488A Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92214 CF555 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92215 CF568 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92216 CF594 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92217 CF633 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92218 CF647 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92219 CF660C Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92220 CF680 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92221 CF750 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92222 CF770 Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92223 CF660R Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92224 Biotin Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92225 CF640R Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92226 CF680R Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92228 CF405L Protein Labeling Kit "3 labelings" 1KIT15C to 30C 2C to 8C 5362 Biotium 92230 Mix-n-Stain CF350 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92231 Mix-n-Stain CF405S Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92232 Mix-n-Stain CF405M Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92233 Mix-n-Stain CF488A Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92234 Mix-n-Stain CF555 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92235 Mix-n-Stain CF568 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92236 Mix-n-Stain CF594 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92237 Mix-n-Stain CF633 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92238 Mix-n-Stain CF647 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92239 Mix-n-Stain CF660C Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92240 Mix-n-Stain CF680 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92241 Mix-n-Stain CF750 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92242 Mix-n-Stain CF770 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92243 Mix-n-Stain CF660R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92244 Mix-n-Stain Biotin Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92245 Mix-n-Stain CF640R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92246 Mix-n-Stain CF680R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92247 Mix-n-Stain CF543 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92248 Mix-n-Stain CF790 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92250 Mix-n-Stain CF350 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92251 Mix-n-Stain CF405S Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92252 Mix-n-Stain CF405M Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92253 Mix-n-Stain CF488A Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92254 Mix-n-Stain CF555 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92255 Mix-n-Stain CF568 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92256 Mix-n-Stain CF594 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92257 Mix-n-Stain CF633 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92258 Mix-n-Stain CF640R Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92259 Mix-n-Stain CF647 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92260 Mix-n-Stain CF660C Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92261 Mix-n-Stain CF660R Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92262 Mix-n-Stain CF680 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92263 Mix-n-Stain CF680R Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92264 Mix-n-Stain CF750 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92265 Mix-n-Stain CF770 Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92266 Mix-n-Stain Biotin Antibody Labeling Kit,1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92267 Mix-n-Stain CF543 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92268 Mix-n-Stain CF790 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92270 Mix-n-Stain CF350 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92271 Mix-n-Stain CF405S Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92272 Mix-n-Stain CF405M Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92273 Mix-n-Stain CF488A Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92274 Mix-n-Stain CF555 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92275 Mix-n-Stain CF568 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92276 Mix-n-Stain CF594 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92277 Mix-n-Stain CF633 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92278 Mix-n-Stain CF640R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92279 Mix-n-Stain CF647 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92280 Mix-n-Stain CF660C Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92281 Mix-n-Stain CF660R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92282 Mix-n-Stain CF680 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92283 Mix-n-Stain CF680R Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92284 Mix-n-Stain CF750 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92285 Mix-n-Stain CF770 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92286 Mix-n-Stain Biotin Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92287 Mix-n-Stain CF543 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92288 Mix-n-Stain CF790 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92289 Mix-n-Stain CF532 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92290 Mix-n-Stain CF532 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92291 Mix-n-Stain CF532 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92294 Mix-n-Stain FITC Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 882 Biotium 92295 Mix-n-Stain FITC Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1036 Biotium 92296 Mix-n-Stain FITC Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1176 Biotium 92297 Mix-n-Stain RPE Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 92298 Mix-n-Stain RPE Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 92299 Mix-n-Stain RPE Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 92300 Mix-n-Stain HRP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(10-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1330 Biotium 92301 Mix-n-Stain HRP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1470 Biotium 92302 Mix-n-Stain HRP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 92303 Mix-n-Stain CF405L Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1400 Biotium 92304 Mix-n-Stain CF405L Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92305 Mix-n-Stain CF405L Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92306 Mix-n-Stain APC Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 92307 Mix-n-Stain APC Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 92308 Mix-n-Stain PerCP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1610 Biotium 92309 Mix-n-Stain PerCP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 92310 Mix-n-Stain APC-CF750T Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2170 Biotium 92311 Mix-n-Stain APC-CF750T Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2450 Biotium 92312 Mix-n-Stain Glucose Oxidase Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92313 Mix-n-Stain Glucose Oxidase Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1750 Biotium 92314 Mix-n-Stain Alkaline Phosphatase Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1680 Biotium 92315 Mix-n-Stain Alkaline Phosphatase Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1820 Biotium 92316 Mix-n-Stain CF430 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92317 Mix-n-Stain CF430 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92318 Mix-n-Stain CF430 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 92319 Mix-n-Stain CF440 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92320 Mix-n-Stain CF440 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92321 Mix-n-Stain CF440 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 92322 Mix-n-Stain CF450 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92323 Mix-n-Stain CF450 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92324 Mix-n-Stain CF450 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1988 Biotium 92325 Mix-n-Stain DNP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92326 Mix-n-Stain DNP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92327 Mix-n-Stain DNP Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92328 Mix-n-Stain Digoxigenin Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92329 Mix-n-Stain Digoxigenin Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92330 Mix-n-Stain Digoxigenin Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92331 Mix-n-Stain CF514 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92332 Mix-n-Stain CF514 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92333 Mix-n-Stain CF514 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92334 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®570 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92335 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®570 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92336 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®570 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92337 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®583 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(5-20ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1540 Biotium 92338 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®583 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(20-50ug) labeling 1Kit15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1694 Biotium 92339 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®583 Antibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 1834 Biotium 92340 Mix-n-Stain™ RPE-CF®647T Fntibody Labeling Kit, 1x(25-50ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2310 Biotium 92341 Mix-n-Stain™ RPE-CF®647T Fntibody Labeling Kit, 1x(50-100ug) labeling 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2590 Biotium 92350 Mix-n-Stain CF488A Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92351 Mix-n-Stain CF568 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92352 Mix-n-Stain CF594 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92353 Mix-n-Stain CF633 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92354 Mix-n-Stain CF640R Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92355 Mix-n-Stain CF680R Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92356 Mix-n-Stain CF408 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92357 Mix-n-Stain CF500 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92358 Mix-n-Stain CF540 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92359 Mix-n-Stain CF647 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92360 Mix-n-Stain CF660C Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92361 Mix-n-Stain CF680 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92362 Mix-n-Stain CF405M Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2212 Biotium 92363 Mix-n-Stain CF650 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2646 Biotium 92364 Mix-n-Stain CF555 Small Ligand Labeling Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2310 Biotium 92400 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®680T Total Protein Prestain Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 33022-T GloMelt™ Thermal Shift Protein Stability kit 1kit2C to 8C -30C to -2C 2800 Biotium 92401 Mix-n-Stain™ CF®770T Total Protein Prestain Kit 1KIT15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5250 Biotium 70069-T LipidSpot 610 Lipid Droplet Stain 125uL15C to 30C 2C to 8C 4550 Biotium 96000 CF680R azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 96001 CF660C picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 96002 CF660R picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 96003 CF680 picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4116 Biotium 96004 CF660R alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 96005 CF680 alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 96006 CF680R alkyne 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3976 Biotium 96007 CF680R picolyl azide 0.5MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4116 Biotium 96008 Cyanine 647 Aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 96009 Cyanine 555 Aminooxy 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 96010 CF660R amine 1MG15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2940 Biotium 96011 CF450 succimindyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3682 Biotium 96012 CF450 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3892 Biotium 96014 CF570 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 96015 CF570 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3710 Biotium 96016 CF583 succinimidyl ester 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3500 Biotium 96017 CF583 maleimide 1UMOL2C to 8C -30C to -2C 3710 Biotium 96018 Fluorescein tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3640 Biotium 96019 DNP tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3640 Biotium 96020 Cyanine 555 tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 96021 CF555 tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 96022 CF647 tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3822 Biotium 96023 MTS-BCN 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 5040 Biotium 96024 CF660R hydrazide 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2310 Biotium 96025 CF680R hydrazide 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 2590 Biotium 96026 CF500 BCN 0.5mg15C to 30C15C to 30C 4480 Biotium 96027 CF650 BCN 0.5mg15C to 30C15C to 30C 4480 Biotium 96028 CF488A methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96029 CF500 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96030 CF532 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96031 CF555 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96032 CF568 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96033 CF594 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96034 CF640R methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96035 CF647 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96036 CF650 methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96037 CF680R methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4130 Biotium 96038 Biotin methyltetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96039 CF680 METHYLTETRAZINE 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4130 Biotium 96040 CF488A TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96041 CF500 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96042 CF532 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96043 CF555 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96044 CF568 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96045 CF594 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96046 CF640R TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96047 CF647 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96048 CF650 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96049 CF680R TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4130 Biotium 96050 Biotin TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96051 CF680 TCO 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4130 Biotium 96052 CF®750 tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 4130 Biotium 96053 CF®430 tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 96054 CF®488A tetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 96055 CF®568 tetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 96056 CF®647 tetrazine 1mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3990 Biotium 96057 CF®405M tyramide 0.5mg15C to 30C-30C to -2C 3850 Biotium 99821 1X Passive Lysis Buffer 2.0 100ML15C to 30C-30C to -2C 420 Biotium 99902 5X Annexin V Binding Buffer 15ML15C to 30C 2C to 8C 378 Biotium 99912 5X Passive Lysis Buffer 30ML15C to 30C-30C to -2C 336 Biotium 99923 5X Firefly Luciferase Lysis Buffer 15ML15C to 30C-30C to -2C 252 Biotium E90002 PMA-Lite LED Photolysis Device 1EA15C to 30C15C to 30C 27202 Biotium E90003 Gel-Bright LED Gel Illuminator 1EA15C to 30C15C to 30C 9100 Biotium E90004 Glo-Plate Blue LED Illuminator 1EA15C to 30C15C to 30C 8400 企业:yihbio。com/



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